Should A Kid Be Guided to Tell a White
Lie It’s my family’s tradition to exchange girls on Christmas Eve. Before we did so, I whispered to my uncle and his wife, "Just want you to know: I think what I got you is really cool, so just tell me you like it, no matter what, okay " I know that sounds rude, but there’s another Christmas custom in my family: we give each other weird gifts. There is a sweet reason for this. My grandparents grew up during the Depression, and there were years when they had no gifts at all. So my grandmother and her siblings(兄弟姐妹) would gift-wrap their old socks and clothes, just so they had something to open on Christmas. Pretend presents were better than none at all. My grandmother never really got over those early years, so, for the rest of her A. is acceptable as long as it can help others B. is not bad if it doesn’t get them punished C. is a good way to protect other’s feeling D. is not acceptable even it is a white lie [多选题]煤矿安全生产管理,要坚持的“三并重”原则包括( )。
A.生产 B.管理 C.装备 D.培训 [判断题]SWIFT系统设定的名址(法定名称为SWIFT BANK IDENTIFIER CODE、电文语言为SWIFT A,DDRESS,简称为SWIFT BIC、BIC,俗称SWIFT CODE、SWIFT代码)是识别一家会员机构的标准代码,由8位字母组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]判断封闭火区有效性的最好方法是监测其大气变化趋势,大气压增加时,(),这意味着大气压力变化对火区气体浓度影响大,外部空气漏人封闭区,封闭效果不良。
A. CH4浓度增加 B. CH4浓度降低 C. O2浓度降低 D. O2浓度升高 [判断题]当两个并联支路接通时,电阻小的支路电流大。
[单选题]下面哪一项属于探明的煤炭资源/储量在地质可靠程度方面必须符合的条件之一( )。
A.煤层底板等高线己严密控制,落差等于和大于30m的断层已经详细查明(在地震地质条件好的地区,落差等于和大于20m的断层已经详细查明 B.煤层底板等高线已基本控制,落差等于和大于50m的断层已经基本查明 C.煤层产状已初步查明,煤层底板等高线已大致控制 [简答题]请根据刑法规定与刑法原理,对本案进行全面分析。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]钱塘江的入海处位于何处?
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