The use of heat pumps has been held
back largely by skepticism about advertisers’ claims that heat pumps can provide
as many as two units of thermal energy for each unit of electrical energy used,
thus apparently contradicting the principle of energy conservation. Heat pumps circulate a fluid refrigerant(致冷剂) that cycles alternatively from its liquid phase to its vapor phase in a closed loop. The refrigerant, starting as a low-temperature, lowpressure vapor, enters a compressor ’driven by an electric motor. The refrigerant leaves the compressor as a hot, dense vapor and flows through a heat exchanger called the condenser, which transfers heat from the refrigerant to a body of air. Now the refrigerant, as a high-pressure, cooled liquid confronts a flow restriction which causes the pressure to drop. As the pres sure falls, the A. Do not make exaggerated claims about the products you are trying to promote. B. Focus your advertising campaign on vague analogies and veiled implications instead of on facts. C. Do not use facts in your advertising that will strain the prospective client’ s ability to believe. D. Do not assume in your advertising that the prospective clients know even the most elementary scientific principles. [单选题]患儿李某,2岁。啼哭时脐部有块突出,安静时消失,诊断为脐,下列说法错误的是
A.脐疝以小儿脐疝较为多见 B.成人脐疝为后天性,较少见 C.极易发生嵌顿,需尽早手术 D. 非手术治疗常采取绷带压迫法治疗 E.成人脐疝采取手术治疗 [多项选择]下列关于利率的表述正确的是( )。
A. 固定利率是指在整个借款期间,不随借贷资金的供求状况而波动的利率 B. 我们通常所说的利率是市场利率 C. 远期利率是未来的某个规定时点的名义利率 D. 公定利率是指由政府管理部门或中央银行确定的利率 E. 即期利率是指无息债券当前的到期收益率 [简答题]使用接地开关DK及故障开关GK,均无法排除DJ动作时是何原因?
[单项选择]办公室更改电话号码,可用( )公布周知.
A. 通知 B. 通告 C. 启事 D. 布告 [单项选择]关于固定组织容器的选择,下面哪项正确?()
A. 固定的容器宜相对大些,防止组织与容器粘连产生固定不良 B. 容器以能容下需要固定的组织即可 C. 固定的容器不宜大,以免浪费固定液 D. 组织放入固定器后,固定期间不宜搅动 E. 容器底部不能垫棉花等柔软物质 [单选题]61.流行性腮腺炎通过以下哪种途径传播
A..接触传播 B..飞沫传播 C..粪-口传播 D..垂直传播 E..虫媒传播 [单选题]在线间距不足( )m地段进行清筛、成段更换钢轨及轨枕、成组更换道岔、成锚段更换接触网线索作业时,邻线列车应限速160km/h及以下,并按规定进行防护。
A.A、6.5 B. B、6.0 C.C、5.0 D.D、4.0 [多选题]高渗性脱水易出现()
A.休克 B.脱水热 C.尿少 D.皮肤弹性降低 E.口渴 [单选题]1#输煤皮带胶带输送带宽为( )_mm。
A.800 B.1400 C.1200 D.650 [多选题]发生变电站全站失电事故时,监控员应详细记录事故发生的()。
A.A.变电站名称 B.B.时间 C.C.保护动作信息 D.D.断路器变位情况 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交