New Zealand’s main exports come from the nation’s farms--wool, meat, butter, cheese, and skins. Many people process farm products in dairies (牛奶房), meat-refrigerating plants, breweries (啤酒厂) and flour mills. Sawmilling is an important industry where logging is cartied on in the forests to make pulp for newsprint and other mills make various kinds of paper.
Most of New Zealand’s heavy machinery must be imported, but assembly (装配) plants make automobiles and trucks from imported parts. Woolen goods, carpets, clothing, shoes, furniture and electrical appliances are also manufactured. Imported petroleum (石油) is refined (精炼) at an oil refinery at Whangarei. An aluminum smelter at Blutt, near Invercargill, use hydro-electricity to refine one that is imported from Australia.
New Zealand’s coal is used to generate steam, make gases, provide fuel for homes and factories and produce electricity. Sand and gravel (砂砾) used for r
A. news-print industry
B. shoe-making industry
C. wood-processing industry
D. mineral refining industry
If there is no difference in general
intelligence between boys and girls, what can explain girls’ poor performance in
science and mathematics It seems to be that their treatment at school is a direct cause. Mathematics and science are seen as subjects mainly for boys, and therefore, as girls become teenagers, they are less likely to take them. Interestingly, both boys and girls often regard the subjects for boys as more difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls do not take mathematics courses not because they are difficult, but for social reasons. Girls do not want to be in open competition with boys because they are afraid to appear less feminine and attractive. However, if we examine the performance of boys and girls who have taken mathematics courses, there are still more high-achieving boys than there ar A. Their teachers did not supply answers to them. B. They started learning mathematics at an earlier age. C. They showed mathematical abilities in their teenage years. D. Their success results from their strong interest in mathematics. [单选题]2~4根标准轨或厂制缩短轨地段,作为与下一根长钢轨或道岔等联结的过渡段,称为( )。
A.固定区 B.伸缩区 C.缓冲区 D.爬行区 [单项选择]关于血栓性静脉炎与静脉血栓形成的区别,下列不正确的是()
A. 前者局部炎症反应明显,后者局部症状不明显 B. 前者一般位于浅静脉,后者位于深静脉 C. 前者一般无静脉回流障碍,后者常伴有回流障碍 D. 前者治疗以局部对症治疗为主,后者以抗凝、溶栓为主 E. 前者易并发肺栓塞,后者常后遗深静脉功能不全 [多选题]大雾天气时接触网跳闸,可能的故障原因有
A.“V”形天窗作业时渡线分段击穿 B.动车组车顶绝缘设备击穿引起接触网断线 C.接触网带电 设备对跨线桥、管底面放电 D.绝缘子闪 络、击穿 [多选题]零序方向继电器的实现方法有( )。
A.按照零序电压、零序电流的相位比较方式实现 B.按照零序电压、零序电流的幅值比较方式实现 C.按照零序功率的幅值比较方式实现 D.按照零序功率的方向比较方式实现 [单选题]备用金短款的处理不正确的是( )。
A.如确定备用金短款,且此时票款未解行,应重新清点票款、核对报表、检查钱箱补币 B.如确定备用金短款,且票款已解行,交班人员要在交接班时现场补齐备用金 C.客运值班员如发现车站备用金短款应第一时间通知站长,由站长及值班站长共同对车备用金重新进行清点、核对 D.备用金短款原因为误解行分部应在备用金误解行后3个工作日内将调查报告反馈技术安全室。 [单项选择]The Goulburn Valley was one of Australia’s prosperous dairying regions. But over the last five years, it’s estimated that half the dairy farms have gone. Typically, the water has been sold off and the property converted to a hobby farm, or allowed to turn to weed-infested scrub(野草遍布的灌木). This scene of rural ruin is now spreading across Australia’s food bowl. Whole irrigation regions are on the edge of collapse. This disaster is threatening the nation’s food security.
Politicians blame the drought. But it’s much more than that. Mismanagement and gross policy neglect of irrigation have helped create the water shortages. Further, the federal and state governments, instead of investing in new water storages to increase the supply of water, and instead of turning over environmental flows to needy irrigation farms, are buying up irrigation water, not from willing sellers, but from desperate farmers trying to survive. Consequently, investment in rural industries is being cut sho A. The conversion of the dairy farm. B. The collapse of the irrigation system. C. Rural ruin. D. Water shortage. [单选题]王明拿到重点中学的入取通知书,通知书上要求新生在八月二十五号到校报道。但王明这天因病不能前去,王明的父亲代王明前去报道。王明父亲的行为是( )。
A.法定代理 B.委托代理 C.指定代理 D.其他行为 [单选题]硬膜外麻醉后,病人应采取的体位是
A.平卧,不去枕 B.半坐卧位 C.侧卧位 D.头低足高位 E.不受任何限制 [多选题]低压验电器由()和笔身等组成。
A.工作探头 B.降压电阻 C.氖管 D.弹簧 [多项选择]按测验材料的性质,可将测验分为()。
A. 文字测验 B. 主题统觉测验 C. 智力测验 D. 操作测验 [单项选择]患者阵发性呼气性呼吸困难,烦躁不安,持续5h。体检:双肺满布哮鸣音,有肺气肿征,心率130/min,心律齐,无杂音,血压 110/70mmHg,抢救措施中哪一项一般不用
A. 静脉滴注糖皮质激素 B. 静脉注射氨茶碱 C. 吸氧 D. 静脉注射强心药 E. 生命体征监护 [多选题]钻井设备包括八大系统,这些系统协调配合,使钻机具备()。
A.起下钻能力 B.旋转钻进能力 C.安全钻进能力 D.循环洗井能力。 [单选题]在办理治安案件中,检查的情况应当制作检查笔录,由( )签名或者盖章。
A.检查人、被检查人或者见证人 B.检查人和被检查人 C.检查人和见证人 D.检查人、被检查人和见证人 [判断题]制定标准应当有利于合理利用国家资源,做到技术上先进,经济上合理。
A. 生脉散 B. 左归丸 C. 右归丸 D. 八珍汤 E. 归脾汤 [多项选择]对于客户的股东背景有以下方面需要关注( )。
A. 家庭背景 B. 外资背景 C. 政府背景 D. 上市背景 E. 教育背景 [单选题]工作票由工作负责人填写,也可以由( )填写。
A.当值调度 B.操作人员 C.工作票签发人 [名词解释]超绝热减温率
[单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。