I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying
a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the
third floor, I was {{U}} (36) {{/U}}and at the same time feeling lonely.
Worse still, Dad {{U}} (37) {{/U}} a step and fell, sending my new
suitcases {{U}} (38) {{/U}} down the stairs. "Damn!" he screamed, his
face turning red. I knew trouble was ahead. Whenever Dad’s face turns red,
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} ! How could I ever {{U}} (40) {{/U}} him to finish unloading the car {{U}} (41) {{/U}} screaming at me or making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the {{U}} (42) {{/U}} of the year with Doors were opening and faces were peering out (探出), as Dad walked {{U}} (43) {{/U}} close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off A. best B. beginning C. end D. rest [单选题]用户对电信基站产生的电费不认可,办结原因应选择:( )。
A.规则政策- 资费政策 - 延伸服务费用争议 B.规则政策-业务办理规则-其他业务办理规则 C.规则政策 -业务管理规则 -用户原因 D.移动业务- 规则政策-计费规则 [单选题]一条线路分区段工作,若填用一张工作票,经工作票签发人同意,在线路检修状态下,由工作班( )装设的接地线等安全措施可分段执行。
A.电话通知 B.口头传达 C.自行 D.安排其他工作组 [单项选择]实际上,理论之所以区别于实践,就在于它从实践中提炼出某一原核性范畴后,就可以用人们业已形成的思维手段和业已通过验证的思维规则对这个原核性范围进行理论加工,从而产生区别于客观存在的第二存在。
这句话强调的重点是:( ) A. 理论与实践的关系 B. 理论与实际的联系 C. 理论与实践的区别 D. 理论对实践的提炼 [单选题]此病人可能出现了( )
A.心脏负荷过重的反应 B.心肌梗死 C.空气栓塞 D.过敏反应 E.心绞痛 [多选题]合同当事人在对合同内容没有约定或约定不明时( )。
A.质量要求不明的,按照国家标准、行业标准履行 B.价款或报酬不明时,按订立合同时履行地的市场价格履行 C.旅行方式不明确的,按照有利于实现合同目的的方式履行 D.履行费用的负担不明确时,由倍率行房承担 [判断题]切断绳索时,应先将预定切断的两边用软钢丝扎结,以免切断后绳索松散,断头应绑扎处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有权机关查询、冻结及扣划通知书的保管期限为()。
A.3年 B.5年 C.15年 D.永久 [单选题]管道上应标注( )及介质流向箭头。
A.A.介质温度 B.B.管道直径 C.C.介质名称 D.D.介质颜色 [判断题]1 5 1 1填写交接班记录要求及时、准确、客观真实、内容完整、字迹清晰。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work, just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal combustion engine (内燃机) has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞) being driven. For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further, students might be helped by a course that considers the computer’s impact on society. But that is not what is meant by computer literacy. For computer literacy is not a form of literacy (读写能力) ; it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.
Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities. A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers. But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who have chosen programming as a career. While programming can be lots o A. A.3) means learning______ a set of rulesB. the fundamentals of computer scienceC. specific programsD. general principles of programming [单选题]拉伸试验时.试样拉断前能承受的最大应力称为材料的( )。
A.屈服点 B.抗拉强度 C.弹性极限 [单选题]某甲和某乙赌博,输给某乙3万元,某甲认为某乙作弊,不愿将钱给某乙。某乙未拿到这笔钱,将某甲打伤,将钱抢走。则某乙的行为属于( )。
A.正当防卫 B.紧急避险 C.防卫过当 D.故意犯罪 [简答题]为什么要研究可靠性问题?内可靠性和外可靠性含义各是什么?
执行下列代码 [单项选择]女,72岁,右眼痛、头痛、恶心、呕吐1天,伴视力下降。检查:右眼混合充血,角膜水肿,瞳孔直径5mm,对光反射消失。应检查哪项以帮助诊断()
A. 角膜内镜检查 B. 眼B型超声波 C. 眼压 D. 头颅CT E. 腰穿 [单选题]调车场分类线换算容车数,应按线路有效长的( )计算。
A.70% B.75% C.80% D.100% [多项选择]证券交易所质押式回购交易要求,用于债券回购的券种必须( )。
A. 信誉高 B. 发行期限长 C. 流动性好 D. 收益高 [判断题]在事故类别中,“物体打击”是指失控物体的重力或惯性造成的人身伤害事故。但不包括因爆炸引起的物体打击。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 行政机关作出下列哪些处罚决定时, 应当告知行为人有权要求举行听证
A.责令停产停业 B.两千元以上罚款 C.吊销许可证 D.行政拘留 [简答题]One of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. He was able to absorb himself completely in which he was doing at the moment, and he regarded no task as too humble for him to undertake, nor too trivial that it was not worth his while to do it well. He could cook, he could sew, he could dam a stocking and milk a cow, he was an efficient woodcutter and a good hand at embroidery, fire always burned when he laid them and a floor, after Lawrence had scrubbed it, was thoroughly clean. Moreover, he possessed what is, for a highly-strung and highly intelligent man, an even more remarkable accomplishment: he knows how to do nothing. He could just sit and be perfectly content. And his contentment, while one remained in his company, was infectious.
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