For the past six years, crime rates
have been falling all over America. In some big cities, the fall has been
extraordinary. Between 1994 and 1997 in New York city violent crime fell by 39%
in central Harlem and by 45% in the once-terrifying South Bronx. The latest
figures released by the FBI, for 1997, show that serious crime continued to fall
in all the largest cities, though a little more slowly than in 1996. Violent crime fell by 5% in all, and by slightly more in cities with over 250,000 people. Property crimes have fallen, too, by more than 20% since 1980, so that the rates for burglary and car-theft are lower in America than they are in supposedly more law-abiding Britain and Scandinavia. And people have noticed. In 1994, 30% of Americans told pollsters that crime was the most important challenge facing the country. In A. The last sentence in the 1st paragraph. B. The 2nd sentence in the 2nd paragraph. C. The 4th sentence in the 4th paragraph. D. The 2nd sentence in the 5th paragraph. [多选题]《20kV及以下配电网工程建设预算编制与计算规定(2016年版)》中规定,基本预备费是指为应对( )而预留的建设资金。
A.A、因设计变更增加的费用 B.B、一般自然灾害可能造成的损失 C.C、预防自然灾害所采取的临时措施费用 D.D、其他不确定因素可能造成的损失 E.E、物价上涨 [单选题]CR400AF动车车轴安装有( )个轮装制动盘。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]雷雨天打手机容易招雷劈,这种说法是 ____ 的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] (单选题)井场季节风入口处等位置应设置风向标,一旦发生紧急情况(如H2S浓度超过安全临界浓度),作业人员应首选向( )疏散。(1.0分)
A.上风方向 B.下风方向 C.低洼处 [单项选择]患者,女,45岁,因左侧面颊部皮肤及左侧舌部黏膜发红、起疱3天,伴剧痛来诊。查体:体温38.5℃,左侧面部皮肤及左侧舌背、颊黏膜可见粟粒大小的密集成片的透明水疱,周围皮肤黏膜可见充血性红斑。化验:红细胞7.8×109/L,中性62%,淋巴34%。拟诊断为带状疱疹。
患者曾在外院肌内注射青霉素3天,局部病损激光照射及口服多种维生素等措施,症状有所改善,但未完全消失,尤其是疼痛症状仍明显。疗效不佳原因是 A. 未给予支持治疗 B. 未注射聚肌胞或转移因子 C. 诊断不正确 D. 局部未用消炎含漱液 E. 未给予卡马西平或肌注维生素B1+维生素B12 [单项选择]对由境外发货人责任造成残损、短缺或品质等问题的法检货物,需要换货、补发货的,( )可作为通关免税的重要凭证。
A. 检验检疫机构出具的检验鉴定和《入境货物通关单》 B. 税务部门出具的证明 C. 公证行出具的证明 D. 检验公司出具的证书、《入境货物通关单》 [单选题]大跨度混凝土梁、板的养护时间,通常为( )
A. 1 周 B. 2 周 C. 3周 D. 4 周 [单项选择]铁路专用无线通信设备维护工作由()修程组成
A. 维修、大修两个 B. 检修、轮修、中修、大修四个 C. 轮修、中修、大修三个 D. 检修、轮修两个 [多选题] 下列设备中,属于输入设备的是( )。
A. 扫描仪 B. 显示器 C. 触摸屏 D. 手写笔 E. 绘图仪 [多选题]严禁( )、未设置防护上道作业或进入封闭区域。严禁违反规定利用列车间隔进行施工、维修作业。
A.无计划 B.未登记 C.未销记 [判断题]各种车辆通过电气化铁路道口、平过道,货物装载的高度(从地面算起),不得超过4.2m。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对无人值班变电站进行远程监视和控制,全面实行变电站“()+()”的变电运维管理新模式。
A.无人值守 B.无人值班 C.集中监控 D.分散监控 [简答题]阐述我国互联网的发展历程。
A.凉膈散 B.泻心导赤散 C.六味地黄丸 D.养阴生肌散 E.沙参麦冬汤 [多选题]五级安全事件:造成下列后果之一,但损害后果不构成四级安全事件条件时( )。
A.人员轻伤1人 B. 气体误喷 C.车厂线调车冒进信号 D.错发、错收、错传,或漏发、漏收、漏传行车调度命令 E.人员轻伤10人 [单项选择]输出电压与输入电压反相且输出电压幅度大于输入幅度的放大器为()
A. 共发射极放大器 B. 共基放大器和共集电极放大器 C. 共集电极放大器 D. 共集电极放大器和共发射极放大 [单项选择]Giving Up Smoking
A number of devices are available to help a person quit smoking. Nicotine (尼古丁) patches are small, nicotine-containing adhesive (粘着性的) discs applied to the skin. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream (血流). Over time, the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased. Nicotine gum (口香糖) works in a similar manner, providing small doses of nicotine when chewed (咀嚼). The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoker and easier admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking. In a 1988 report, the U.S. Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than the use of cocaine (可卡因), alcohol, or heroin. Recent evidence supports this claim. The United States government has collected a special tax on cigarettes for several decades. The rate rose from 8 cents per pack of 20 cigarettes in 1951 to 24 A. Reading cigarette advertisements. B. Using nicotine patches. C. Chewing ordinary gum. D. Participating in social activities. 我来回答: 提交