Lisa | Sasha | Olaf | |
Reading | too interesting | 1. | 2. |
Essays | hand writing word limit | 3. | Plagiarism |
Lectures | 4. | 5. | x |
Seminars | 6. | 7. | 8.
A. A.Lisa is a lecturer. Olaf and Sasha are students. B.They are all lecturers. C.Olaf and Lisa are first year students. Sasha is their tutor. D.They are all college students. [填空题] Some consumer researchers distinguish_____(1) "rational" motives and "emotional" (or "non-rational") motives. They use the term "rationality"_____(2) the traditional economic sense that assumes_____(3) consumers behave rationally when they carefully consider all alternatives_____(4) choose those that give them the greatest utility (i.e., satisfaction). _____(5) a marketing context, the term "rationality" implies that the consumer selects goods based_____(6) totally objective criteria, such_____(7) size, weight, price, and so on. "Emotional" motives imply the selection of goods____(8) to personal or subjective criteria — the desire_____(9) individuality, pride, fear, affection or status.
The assumption underlying this distinction is____(10) subjective or emotional criteria do not maximize utility or satisfaction. _____ (11), it is reasonable to assume that consumers always attempt to select alternatives that, ____(12) their view, serve to maximize satisfaction. Obviously, the a
[单选题]钢轨接头病害整治后,作业处的轨距、水平和轨距变化率符合作业验收标准要求,消灭( )及以上的接头空吊板。
A.4mm B.5mm C.2mm D.3mm [多选题]C-C-001 3
重庆单轨列车的幅流风机分为( )和( )两类。 A.直流 B.交流 C.单轴 D.双轴 E.多轴 [单项选择]在C语言中,合法的长整型常数是( )。
A. OL B. 4962710 C. 324562& D. 216D [判断题]在评价周期内无评价数据的承包商,沿用上期评价结果;无上期评价结果的承包商,取本期发布的同类承包商履约评价的平均分作为该承包商履约评价分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
患者女性,31岁,既往体健,主因间断头痛2年,发现鞍区病变1个月入院,神经系统无明显的阳性体征,颅脑CT显示鞍区占位,等密度,无钙化。 患者入院后,应完善的检查中不重要的是()A. 垂体MR平扫+强化 B. 视力和视野检查 C. 垂体功能检查 D. 腹部B超 E. 甲状腺功能 [单选题]《电力用油(变压器油、汽轮机油)取样方法》中规定,变压器专用于测定油中水分含量的油样,可取( )mL。
A.10~20; B.20~30; C.30~50; D.50~100 [单选题]男,40岁。反复上腹疼痛5年余,平卧时加重,弯腰可减轻,疼痛常放射至腰背部。查体:上腹部轻压痛,X线腹部摄片左上腹部钙化。可能的诊断为
A.慢性胃炎 B.慢性胆囊炎 C.慢性胰腺炎 D.慢性十二指肠球炎 E.慢性肝炎 [单项选择]一级建筑方格网的测角中误差为( )。
A. ±5" B. ±6" C. ±8" D. ±10/ [单项选择]病毒性心肌炎气阴亏虚证,治疗首选
A. 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤 B. 大补元煎 C. 炙甘草汤 D. 生脉散 E. 沙参麦冬汤 [单选题]()是最高水平的认知学习结果,要求超越原先的学习内容。
A.知识 B.应用 C.评价目标 D.综合目标 [单选题]在一个轨道电路区段内,复式交分道岔最多不得超过()组。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 我来回答: 提交