Security experts were not surprised by
the FBI’s warning last week that more than 1 million credit card numbers have
been stolen from e-commerce websites in the last 12 months by crackers who took
advantage of a hole that could have been patched with software that was made
available three years ago. It is believed that most of the dirty work was being
done by organized hacking groups in Russia and the Ukraine. Many of their peers in the Western world say Eastern Europe’s computer crackers and hackers are the most skillful in the world--far superior to the so-called "script kiddies" who have gained a fair amount of notoriety(臭名昭著). "We call Russia the Hackzone because there are so many of us here, and we are so good at what we do," said a self-described cracker living in Moscow. He claims he is often hired to "have fu A. They were called "script kiddies" by their Western peers. B. They just have fun with the websites by themselves. C. They just want to get on the Internet. D. They are skillful and seldom get caught. [单选题]当日所收现金应( ),不得有现金过夜现象。
A.保管好 B.放入保险柜 C.带回家 D. 存入银行 [判断题]若水泥杆横向裂纹宽度位0.47mm时,此杆存在危急缺陷。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》将事故分为四个等级,其中:造成3人以上(含3人)10人以下死亡,或者10人以上50人以下重伤,或者1000万元以上5000万元以下直接经济损失的事故,属于()。
A.较大事故 B.一般事故 C.重大事故 [单选题]防护栏杆的结构整体应牢固,能承受住任何方向 ( ) N外力。
A.1000 B.2000 C.3000 [单项选择]关于中学化学教学中多媒体的使用,下列选项不恰当的是()。
A. 演示物质的微观结构 B. 播放危险性试验的录像 C. 代替演示实验和探究实验 D. 模拟化学变化微观的动态过程 [判断题]单巷掘进巷道,回风流中的瓦斯浓度由里向外是逐渐增大的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设有以下定义和语句 char str[20]= "Program",*p; p=str; 则以下叙述中正确的是______。
A. *p 与 str[0]中的值相等 B. str 与 p 的类型完全相同 C. str 数组长度和 p 所指向的字符串长度相等 D. 数组 str 中存放的内容和指针变量 p 中存放的内容相同 [判断题]压力表上的压力值为2kg/cm2与2Mpa的压力值相等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]如客舱乘务长失能,接替客舱乘务长工作的是:( )
A. 2#客舱乘务员 B. 3#客舱乘务员 C. 4#客舱乘务员 D. 航空安全员 [不定项选择题]女,73岁,因不自主震颤8年而就诊,检查肢体远端震颤明显,肌张力增强,肢体活动少,始动困难,面部表情少,瞬目频率慢,行走步态不稳,呈紧迫、细碎、拖地状。
A.特发性良性家族性震颤 B.甲状腺功能亢进 C.老年性震颤 D.阿尔茨海默病 E.帕金森病 [单项选择]急性肾衰病人由少尿期进入多尿期,变化根据是()
A. 尿量增加到300ml/24小时 B. 尿量增加到400ml/24小时 C. 尿量增加到500ml/24小时 D. 尿量增加到700ml/24小时 E. 尿量增加到800ml/24小时 [判断题]旋转连接器的横销应拧紧到位。与钢丝绳或网套连接时不需要安装滚轮并拧紧横销。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交