Analysts have had their go at humor,
and I have read sortie of this interpretative literature, but without being
greatly instructed. Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in
the process and the innards (内在部分) are discouraging to any but the pure
scientific mind. In a newsreel theatre the other day I saw a picture of a man who had developed the soap bubble to a higher point than it had ever before reached. He had become the ace soap bubble blower of America, had perfected the business of blowing bubbles, refined it, doubled it, squared it, and had even worked himself up into a convenient lather. The effect was not pretty. Some of the bubbles were too big to be beautiful, and the blower was always jumping into them or out of them, or playing some sort of unattractive trick with them. It was, if anything, a rathe A. it expresses the truth of the sadness of human life with a sparkling surface B. everyone has his happy moments and unhappy moments C. there is an obvious line between laughing and crying D. it is like poetry, very rhythmic [单项选择]去极化肌松药是()
A. 琥珀胆碱 B. 阿曲库铵 C. 筒箭毒碱 D. 泮库溴铵 E. 维库溴铵 [单选题]青年男性,左膝关节慢性肿痛半年,活动障碍,但皮肤色泽正常。X线片示关节间隙变窄。诊断应考虑为
A.单纯骨结核 B.单纯滑膜结核 C.全关节结核 D.化脓性关节炎 E.化脓性骨髓炎合并关节炎 [单选题]( )通过分析客户的还款行为信息,对客户进行评分。
A.信用卡行为评分卡 B.个贷行为评分 C.账户使用额度 D.信用卡额度调整 [单项选择]A企业2008年2月发生业务如下:向B企业销售房屋1000平方米并取得销售款,平均售价0.20万元/平方米;向C企业销售上述同类房屋500平方米并取得销售款,平均售价为0.10万元/平方米。经税务机关审核确认,A向C销售的房屋价格明显偏低且无正当理由。销售房屋适用5%的税率。我国进口关税采用比例税率和定额税率,自2002年1月1日起,我国进口税则改为()栏税率。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]干粉灭火器的压力表指到()区域表示压力过低应加压或更换。
A. 黄色 B. 绿色 C. 红色 D. 蓝色 [单项选择]我国遴选国家基本药物的原则是
A. 安全有效、慎重从严、结合国情、中西药并重 B. 应用安全、疗效确切、质量稳定、应用方便 C. 临床必需、安全有效、价格合理、使用方便、中西药并重 D. 临床必需、安全有效、价格合理、使用方便、市场保证供应 E. 临床必需、使用广泛、疗效好、同类药品中价格低 [单选题]下列关于螺旋桨液压安装的说法中,正确的是()。
A.螺旋桨压到位后,先放掉径向油压,保持15分钟,再慢慢放掉轴向油压。 B.螺旋桨压到位后,先放掉径向油压,然后立即放掉轴向油压。 C.螺旋桨压到位后,先放掉轴向油压,保持15分钟,再慢慢放掉径向油压。 D.螺旋桨压到位后,先放掉轴向油压,然后立即放掉向向油压。 [多选题]下列著名文人中,原籍四川省的有( )
A.汉赋作家司马相如 B.唐朝诗人陈子昂 C.唐朝诗圣杜甫 D.北宋词作家苏轼 E.当代文学家郭沫若 [多选题]《普安规》作业中如出现( )等胀轨迹象时,必须停止作业,并及时采取防胀措施。
A.轨向、高低不良 B.起道省力 C.枕端道砟离缝 D.拨道省力 我来回答: 提交