It seems now that a dollar is not the
same as that ten years ago. We can not use it to buy as many things as before.
No one can deny that one dollar is worth 100 cents. The amount of money is fixed
but the value has experienced great changes. Do our living conditions get
decreased Many people are confused about this question. All the goods are ruled by the {{U}}axioms{{/U}} of supply and demand. We all know that workers earn more than before, as a result, they have more to pay for what they need or what they like. The great demand promotes the price to go up. At the same time, if there is a shortage, the price also goes up. According to the economists, the value of money depends on the cost of living. The cost of living is what we spend on the necessities. The food, housing and medical expenses have increased largely these y A. The shortage of goods B. The decrease of the money’s value C. The increase of demand for goods D. The input of more money to the market [单项选择]当隧道衬砌周围地下水较多时,可设置()。
A. 拱部盲沟 B. 环形盲沟 C. 单侧竖向盲沟 D. 双侧竖向盲沟 [单选题]901通过协商,使他方当事人程度不同地修改完善原有意见,扩大并突出共存与己方与对方意见中的相近成分,限制并压缩相左的成分,使一方意见基本统一到主导一方的意见上,这是指( )法。
A.中间数 B.冷处理与热处理 C.主体合流 D.跟踪处理 [简答题]按照NB/T31012-2011《永磁风力发电机制造技术规范》规定,永磁风力发电
机的使用条件有哪些要求? [判断题]保护电压互感器的高压熔断器额定电流一般小于或等于1A。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家安全是安邦定国的重要基石,( )是全国各族人民根本利益所在。
A.加快经济发展 B.维护国家统一 C.促进国际合作 D.维护国家安全 [单选题]化工厂常见的间壁式换热器是( )
A.固定管板式换热器 B.板式换热器 C.釜式换热器 D.蛇管式换热器 [单项选择]项目团队的发展过程中,磨合阶段的各种磨合不包括( )。
A. 成员与成员之间的磨合 B. 成员与内外环境之间的磨合 C. 团队之间的磨合 D. 团队与其所在组织的磨合 我来回答: 提交