[判断题]热胀冷缩是指物体受热温度升高时体积膨胀,冷却时体积收缩的现象。( )
[单项选择]《征用土地公告办法》规定,被征收土地所住地的市、县人民政府应当在收到征收土地方案批准文件之日起( )个工作日内进行征收土地公告。
A. 5
B. 7
C. 10
D. 15
[判断题]铁路部门为修理进出境车辆,而运进的材料、零部件、工具、轮对、转向架,在海关监管之下确实用于进出境车辆维修的,可予以免征进口关税和产品(增值)税。( )
[判断题]运行中的高压设备其中性点接地系统的中性点应不能视作带电体。( )
[多选题]厚涂型钢结构防火涂料耐火性能 ( )。
A.15mm 1.0h
B.20mm 1.5h
C.30mm 2.0h
D.40mm 2.5h
E.50mm 3.5h
A. 超短波治疗鼻炎予鼻两侧并置
B. 紫外线治疗扁桃体炎需达到红斑量
C. 超短波治疗咽炎中电极并置于咽部两侧
D. 毫米波治疗耳廓软骨膜炎,可用于急性期或吸收期
E. 紫外线治疗急性中耳炎时,应将石英导子伸入外耳道内
A. 自然属性
B. 社会属性
C. 生物属性
D. 特征属性
[填空题]Americans are getting ready for the biggest soccer event in the world. For the first time the world cup soccer (36) will be held in the United States. While millions play the game around the world, soccer or football has only recently become popular here. It is only in the last 30 years that large (37) of young Americans became (38) in soccer. Now it is the fastest (39) sport in the country. A recent study found that almost 18 million (40) boys and girls play soccer in the United States.
The study also found that soccer is beginning to (41) more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the world cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are (42) to go and see the teams play. Organizers say this year’s world cup will be the biggest ever. All the (43) at most of the 52 games have already been sold. (44) But how did th
[填空题]It doesn’t come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you can’t remember it. You just waste your{{U}} (36) {{/U}}time. Maybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from{{U}} (37) {{/U}}
One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or{{U}} (38) {{/U}}for reading. You remember better what you read when you know why you’re reading.
Reading is not one single activity. At least two important{{U}} (39) {{/U}}go on at the same time. As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and{{U}} (40) {{/U}}. But at the same time you ex- press your own ideas to yourself as you react to what you read. You have a kind of{{U}} (41) {{/U}}conversation with the author. If you expressed your ideas orally, they might sound like this: "Yes, I agree. That’s my opinion too." or "Umm, I thought that record was{{U}} (42) {{/U}}much earlier. I’d better check those dates," or "But ther
A. IL-2
B. IL-4
C. IL-10
D. IFN-γ
E. IL-1
A. 分光光度分析法
B. 散射光谱分析法
C. 吸收光谱分析法
D. 发射光谱分析法
E. 以上都不是
[判断题]企业可以按照投资人的要求进行会计核算。( )
A. 为胎儿生长发育进行监护,为孕妇提供营养指导
B. 为胎儿生长发育进行监护,为孕妇提供心理指导
C. 为胎儿生长发育进行监护,提供咨询和医学指导
D. 为胎儿生长发育进行孕妇卫生指导
E. 为孕妇提供产前诊断
[判断题] 能否以自己的名义独立行使行政处罚权,是受委托组织与法定授权组织实施行政处罚的根本区别。
[单项选择]派生类的对象可以访问它的基类成员中 ______ 成员。
A. 公有继承的公有成员
B. 公有继承的私有成员
C. 公有继承的保护成员
D. 私有继承的公有成员
[单选题]预告信号机在正常情况下的显示距离是不得小于( )m。
A. 初时稳定
B. 静态稳定
C. 暂态稳定
D. 系统的抗干扰能力
A. 营业税
B. 城市维护建设税
C. 教育费附加
D. 增值税
[单选题]营销系统、采集系统总表配置电流互感器倍率档案与现场不一致,直接影响台区( )的准确计算。
[简答题]BF005 追求产品数量与产品寿命周期内支付的总费用之间的最佳结合,体现了全面质量管理的经济性特点。
[判断题]21105】绝缘立梯在设计中必须按照强度和稳定条件进行验算,其总高度不可以超过12m。 ( )
Batteries Built by Viruses
What do chicken pox,the common cold,the flu,and AIDS have in common?They're all diseases caused by viruses,tiny microorganisms that can pass from person to person. It's no wonder that when most people think about viruses,finding ways to steer clear of viruses is what's on people's minds.
Not everyone runs from the tiny disease carriers,though. In Cambridge,Massachu- setts,scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in an unusual way. They are putting viruses to work,teaching them to build some of the world's smallest rechargeable batteries.
Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair,but they're not so strange for engi-neer Angela Beicher,who first came up with the idea. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology(MIT)in Cambridge,she and her collaborators bring together different areas of science in new ways.In the case of the virus-built batteries,the scientists combine what they know about biology,technology and production techniques.
Beicher's team includes Paula Hammond,who helps put together the tiny batteries,and
Yet-Ming Chiang,an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery.“We're working on things we traditionally don't associate with nature,”says Hammond.
Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A,C and D batteries in your hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny. However, every year,new electronic devices like personal music players or cell phones get smaller than the year before. As these devices shrink,ordinary batteries won't be small enough to fit in-side.
The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belcher's model battery,a metallic disk completely built by viruses,looks like a regular watch battery. But inside,its components are very small一so tiny you can only see them with a powerful microscope.
How small are these battery parts?To get some idea of the size,pluck one hair from your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wide your hair is一 pretty thin,right?Although the width of each person's hair is a bit different,you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts,side to side,across one hair. These micro-batteries may change the way we look at viruses.
What expression below is opposite in meaning to the word“shrink” appearing in para-graph 5?
[多选题]在商用房贷款的贷后检查环节,要检查借款人( )。
A. 0.1%~0.5%;5分钟
B. 0.1%~0.5%;10分钟
C. 0.1%~0.5%;20分钟
D. 1%~5%;10分钟
E. 1%~50%;20分钟
[单选题]关于债权相对性理论的内涵,下列说法不正确的是( )。
A. 绝缘电阻测试实验
B. 高电压导线橙色标记
C. 高电压组件上带有警告指示的标贴
D. 电子监控绝缘电阻
E. 在保养维修工作时将高电压电池从高电压系统上断开(保养断开)
A. 理论知识试题
B. 操作技能试题
C. 主观试题
D. 客观试题
Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is made of coral, a colorful rock-like substance actually composed of many small marine animals, each one less than half a centimeter in size. Coral grows in colonies that can reach over a meter and a half in height, and several of these colonies grow in close proximity to each other, eventually joining up to form an underwater chain or reef. The Great Barrier Reef refers to a series of almost three thousand coral reefs that stretch across the ocean floor in a twelve hundred mile chain, which makes it so long that it can actually be seen from space. Apart from its size, the Great Barrier Reef is also renowned for its age. The living part of the reef itself is around 8,000 years old, but sits atop the remains of dead coral that is much older, in some places almost half a million years old. A system of living organisms so anc ient and so large would be fascinating to scientists by the simple fact of
A. Fishermen and shippers ignore the designation.
B. Activity in unprotected areas can influence the whole Reef.
C. Oil extracted from the Reef sometimes spills into the ocean.
D. The species living there are already endangere
[单选题]在风沙较小的地方,应(?? )小时清理一次空气滤清器的积尘杯。