According to a survey, which was based
on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college
freshmen are "more materialistic and less altruistic(利他主义的)"than at any time in
the 17 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective "is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life". It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the "altruistic" fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job--e A. have never been so materialistic as today B. have never been so interested in the arts C. have never been so financially well off as today D. have never attached so much importance to mutual sense [单选题]当车站内或列车在区间隧道发生火灾事故时,环控系统应具备防灾、排烟和通风功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]02-22 06:51:26.997 17609 22999 W
A. 脂肪 B. 肺脏 C. 骨骼 D. 血浆蛋白 E. 结缔组织 [单项选择]()是企业最常用的组织结构变革方式。
A. 改良式变革 B. 爆破式变革 C. 组织结构整台 D. 突发式变革 [简答题]CAD软件系统包括哪几个层次?试分别举例说明。
A. 栓剂一般供腔道给药,发挥局部或全身治疗作用 B. 栓剂基质的种类可分为油脂性基质、水溶性基质 C. 栓剂的制备方法有热熔法和冷压法 D. 肛门栓使用时塞得越深,生物利用度越高 E. 药物不受胃肠道pH和酶的影响,在直肠吸收较口服干扰较少 [单选题]架空绝缘导线不得视为( )。
A.绝缘设备 B.导电设备 C.承力设备 D.载流设备 [单项选择]树立和落实科学发展观,必须始终把( )放在中心位置。
A. 经济建设 B. 精神文明建设 C. 社会主义现代化建设 D. 综合国力 [单选题]现场()不到位、安全工器具不合格的不干
A.防范措施布置 B.危险点布置 C.工作任务布置 D.安全措施布置 E.略 F.略 [多选题]( )以下双电源、配有( )和客户设备部分运行的项目,应制定切实可行的投运启动方案。
A.10kV B.35kV C.备自投装置 D.自备应急电源 [填空题]
Along with the grand view of the Great Wall, travelers to Peking shouldn’t miss trying the Peking Roasted Duck. To enjoy the famous duck, the restaurant Quan Ju De is the best choice for you. It has multiple outlets in Peking (Beijing). The old restaurant first opened in 1860. The duck here is said to be the best in Peking, and the service is very good as well. [判断题]在多栏账格式定义过程中,分析栏目的方向与所选核算科目的方向一致,且不能更改。( )
[单选题]空压机按急停按钮停机后,如需重新启动要在( )分钟之后。
A.A、1 B.B、2 C.C、3 [单项选择]执行语句Print Format(1234.567,”##,##0.00”)后,输出结果是______。
A. 1234.57 B. 12,34.57 C. 1,234.567 D. 1,234.56 [判断题]放散要考虑线路爬行导致锁定轨温的变化值。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]各种运输方式中,在物流中常用的有( )。
A. 铁路运输 B. 公路运输 C. 航运 D. 航空运输 E. 人工运输 [多项选择]下列不属于建立管理体系内容的是()。
A. 流程正规化 B. 销售本地化 C. 组织正规化 D. 费用最大化 [简答题]如何用弦绳检查线路方向?
A. 补血,润肺 B. 滋阴,养心 C. 解毒,通便 D. 养血,生津 E. 敛阴,益精 [单选题]根据《东京公约》的规定,当一缔约国接受移交后按规定将行为人拘留时,应立即将拘留该人和必须对其进行拘留的情况通知( )。
A.航空器登记国 B.被拘留人的本国 C.航空器登记国和被拘留人的本国 D.航空器登记国或被拘留人的本国 [多项选择]下列有关LOCSⅡ分类系统的叙述,正确的是
A. 是美国国立眼科研究所资助的一项分类方法 B. 用于尸体白内障分类以判断晶状体混浊的范围和程度 C. 广泛应用于白内障研究、流行病学调查和药物疗效评价等 D. 其方法是将瞳孔充分散大,采用裂隙灯照像和后照法,区别晶状体混浊的类型 [判断题]电磁阀可分为普通型、防水型、防爆型等几种。按其动作方式可分为直动式和先导式两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]邮政储蓄客户办理紧急折取款业务20万(不含)元时,必须经过综合柜员授权。
A. 正确 B. 错误 [多选题]凡有可能承载荷重的排水沟道均应设置()并设置承重载荷标志,禁止超载承重。
A.盖板 B.禁止通行警示标志 C.敷设涵管 D.止步危险标志 [单项选择]小脑幕上硬膜外血肿最主要的来源是()
A. 颅骨骨折引起的板障出血 B. 颅骨骨折导致脑膜中动脉破裂出血 C. 脑表面的血管破裂出血 D. 帽状腱膜下的血管破裂出血 E. 颞部肌肉的血管出血 [单项选择]Unemployment (失业) rose from 7.5% in June, 1996 to 7.8% in July, 1996, the highest rate since January of that year , the Labor Department reported. The main mason was a large increase—nearly 700,000 in the labor force (劳动力), with a record 61.9% of the population over sixteen years of age working or actively looking for work. That growth was caused mainly by an increase in the number, of women in the labor force, an increase partly because of a continuation (持续) of long-term and economic trends (经济趋势) and partly a reflection (反映) of pressure (压力) on families to increase their incomes.
It can be inferred that the labor force described in the passage is made up of ______. A. those who account for over 60% of the total population of the whole country B. persons who work at both permanent (永久) and full-time jobs C. those over 16 years of age who are looking for work [单选题]开断电缆前,应与电缆走向图核对相符,并使用仪器确认电缆无电压后,用接地的()的铁钎钉入电缆芯后,方可工作。
A.带木柄 B.带绝缘柄 C.带手柄 [多选题]胡锦涛同志2007年6月25日在中央党校发表重要讲话指出,始终不渝地坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深人贯彻落实科学发展观,并且提出了“四个坚定不移”, 下列选项属于“四个坚定不移”的是( )。
A.坚定不移地为全面建设小康社会而奋斗 B.坚定不移地坚持解放思想 C.坚定不称地推进改革开放 D.坚定不移地促进科学发展、社会和谐 [单选题]根据《收费公路管理条例》的规定,收费公路终止收费前,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门应当对收费公路进行鉴定和验收。( )
A.3 个月 B.4 个月 C.5 个月 D.6 个月 我来回答: 提交