Public speaking fills most people with
dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; serf-exposure and failing to appeal to
the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are
pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all
kinds. Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If parents, teachers or peers mocked your foibles as a child, you fear a repeat. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act y A. looking foolish B. failing in words C. not attracting attention D. appearing pressurized [单选题]使用公司工作票到与接入公司电网的用户电气设备上工作时,工作票应由()签发,用户单位认可并签名。
A.本单位 B.用户单位 C.运维单位 D.以上三种都不对 [多项选择]分化差的恶性瘤通常是()。
A. 瘤细胞的异型性大 B. 恶性程度高 C. 浸润和转移 D. 间变性肿瘤 E. 预后差 [单项选择]熔断器的额定电压,必须()配电线路电压。
A. 小于 B. 等于 C. 大于等于 [单项选择]多数儿童恶性实体瘤采用哪种治疗是正确的()。
A. 化疗 B. 手术 C. 多学科综合治疗 D. 放疗 E. 免疫治疗 [简答题]简述旅游政策与旅游法规的关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](1分)在运用中的高压设备上工作,分为( )。
A.计划停电的工作 B.部分停电的工作 C.不停电工作 D.全部停电的工作 [单选题]铁路灾害监测系统是由( ???)构成的。
A.现场采集设备、监测单元、监测数据处理设备、监测终端及传输网络 B.现场采集设备、监测设备、监测数据集成设备、数据分析及传输网络 C.现场采集设备、监测设备、监测数据设备、监测终端及传输网络 D.现场采集设备、监测单元、分析设备、监测终端 我来回答: 提交