After Dolly the Sheep come the Mickey Mice. (46) Scientists are expected to reveal that they have succeeded in creating the first animal cloned from the cells of an adult since the birth of Dolly two years ago. A formal announcement is expected within weeks.
(47) Researchers in Hawaii are understood to have manufactured a mouse that is an identical genetic copy of another living animal, raising the prospect of commercial cloning of animals -- and eventually of humans.
Since scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh revealed the existence of Dolly to awed colleagues in February last year, nobody has been able to make another clone derived from cells taken from an adult animal. Dolly was grown from the udder cells of an ewe.
Some biologists have since queried Dolly’ s authenticity because of their inability to reproduce the results, The cloned mouse would end any doubts and confirm that man is genuinely on verge of a new era in repr
{{B}}A Workaholic Economy{{/B}} For the first century or so of the industrial revolution, increased productivity led to decreases in working hours. Employees who had been putting in 12-hour days, six days a week, found their time on the job shrinking to 10 hours daily, then, finally to eight hours, five days a week. only a generation ago social planners worried about what people would do with all this new-found free time. In the US, at least, it seems they need not have bothered. Although the output per hour of work has more than doubled since 1945, leisure seems reserved largely for the unemployed and underemployed. Those who work full-time spend as much time on the job as they did at the end of World War Ⅱ. In fact, working hours have increased noticeably since 1970--perhaps because real wages have stagnated that year. Bookstores now abound wi A. they would not be able to afford cars or home B. employers are offering high incomes for long hours C. the future is dependent on technological advances D. they do not wish to return to the humble post-war era [单选题]在灭火战斗中,一切处置行动自始至终要严防引发爆炸,当遇有紧急情况危急参战人员的生命安全时,指挥员应果断下达( )命令。
A.撤离 B.避险 C.掩护 D.停止进攻 [单选题]电动汽车通过外部充电的方式有( )。
A.交流充电和能量回收 B.直流充电和能量回收 C.直流充电和交流充电 D.低压充电和能量回收 [判断题]行政处罚由违法行为发生地的行政主体管辖。()
A.在左第五肋间隙 B.在左锁骨中线外0.5~1厘米 C.搏动范围直径2~2.5厘米 D.搏动不明显可见于正常成人 E.肥胖者搏动可以不明显 [单选题]生产经营单位未对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养和定期检测的,责令限期改正,处()的罚款。
A.3万元以上5万元以下 B.5万元以下 C.3万元以上8万元以下 D.8万元以下 [单选题]国家对严重污染环境的工艺、设备和产品实行(??)制度。
A.取缔 B.审查 C.淘汰 D.登记 [单选题]cache与主存之间的信息交换是通过( )实现的
A.软件 B.硬件 C.软件硬件结合 D.硬盘存储器 [单项选择]血红蛋白合成必需酶δ-氨基-γ-酮戊二酸合成酶的辅酶是()
A. 维生素A B. 维生素B1 C. 维生素B2 D. 维生素B6 E. 维生素B12 [单项选择]下列除哪项外,均可引起心源性哮喘()
A. 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 B. 高血压性心脏病 C. 二尖瓣狭窄 D. 右心衰竭 E. 心肌病 我来回答: 提交