Summerhill began as an experimental school, It is no longer such; it is now a demonstration school, for it demonstrates that freedom works. When my first wife and I began the school, we had one main idea: to make the school fit the child-instead of making the child fit the school. I had this idea because I had taught in ordinary schools for many years. I knew the other way well. I knew it was all wrong. It was wrong because it was based on an adult conception of what a child should be and of how a child should learn. The other way dated from the days when psychology was still and unknown science. Well, we set out to make a school in which we should allow children freedom to be themselves. In order to do this, we had to renounce all discipline, all direction, all suggestion, all moral training, all religious instruction. We have been ca A. improving the teaching method. B. physical activities than on mental training. C. instilling confidence in the child. D. freeing the child from heavy burden of lessons. [单选题]在农商银行增加“整村授信预授信”参数设置功能,该功能支持()进行配置,配置的参数项不允许超过省联社设置的上限。
A.农商银行系统管理员 B.省级系统管理员 C.市级系统管理员 D.分管行行长 [单项选择]Motorways are, no doubt the safest roads in Britain. Mile (21) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you are much (22) likely to be killed or seriously injured than on an ordinary road. On (23) hand, if you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to (24) than in a comparable accident (25) on the roads.
Motorways have no (26) bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (27) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (28) in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 mph limit applying in built up areas in Britain. Added to this is the fact that motorway drivers seem to like traveling in groups with perhaps (29) ten meters between each vehicle. The resulting horrific pile-ups (30) one vehicle stops for some reason--mechanical failure, driver error and so on--have become all (31) familiar through pic A. because B. since C. when D. for [多选题]( )全面领导党内监督工作。中央委员会全体会议每年听取中央政治局工作报告,监督中央政治局工作,部署加强党内监督的重大任务。
A.党的中央委员会 B.中央政治局 C.中央政治局常务委员会 D.中纪委 [单选题]SS4B型电力机车高压柜在车下检修时,应用2500 V兆欧表测量主电路对地绝缘电阻值不小于( )M。
A. 2 B. 5 C. 10 D. 20 [判断题] 汽油机油不能用于柴油机。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]乳腺炎有哪些早期症状?乳腺增生的发病率高吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]分散染料的有何特点,其溶液有何性能?
A. 增大比压; B. 消除转子不平衡重量; C. 减小轴径与轴瓦间的接触角; D. 提高润滑油的黏度。 [单选题]线路、道岔、调节器保养质量评定应由( )组织,采取定期抽样的办法进行。
A.工务段 B.总公司 C.铁路局 D.工务车间 [多选题]在实战应用当中较为常用的查询是:
A.银行卡查询 B.第三方查询 C.蚂蚁金服 D.全库查询 [简答题]向阳性皮疹、Gottron斑的临床意义?
[单项选择]提出劳动争议仲裁要求的一方当事人应当自劳动争议发生之日起( )日内向仲裁委员会提出书面申请。
A. 15 B. 30 C. 60 D. 90 [单选题]【单选题】( )kV及以下设备可用与带电部分直接接触的绝缘隔板代替临时遮栏。
A.35 B.110 C.220 D.330 [判断题]资本公积和盈余公积均可以用来转增资本,都是从税后利润中提取的有专门用途的资金。()
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