Immigrants are consumers as well as producers, so
they create jobs as well as taking them. And the work they do need not be at the
expense of native workers. Immigrants often hold jobs that natives are unwilling
to accept at any feasible wage. Also, immigrants sometimes help to keep industries viable (能存活的) that would otherwise disappear altogether, causing employment to fall. This was the conclusion of a study of the Los Angeles garment industry in the 1970s and 1980s. And when immigrants working for low wages do put downward pressure on natives’ wages, they may raise the (real) wages of natives in general by keeping prices lower than they otherwise would be. In theory, then, the net effect of immigration on native wages is uncertain. Unfortunately, most of the empirical (经验主义的) research on whether immigrants make natives A. sometimes help to maintain the existence of some industries B. sometimes cause employment to fall C. may lower the wages of natives in general D. may help promote inflation [单选题]患者,男性,19岁.因胸痛就医,病例资料中最能明确气胸的信息是 ? (0.2分)
A.胸痛发生时在与同学打篮球 B.有轻度呼吸困难 C.听诊患侧呼吸音减弱 D.胸片显示有气胸线 E.叩诊患侧呈鼓音 [简答题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》
第11. 4. 4条规定;某供电配电一班进行10KV配电台区避雷器装、拆、更换工作试讲述如何进行装、拆、更换避雷器的工作。 [判断题]在现地控制工作站上能对其控制范围内的道岔实行单独操作和单独锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进入有爆炸危险的区域应穿着( ),根据需要穿着特级或一级化学防护服,从上风方向开展作战行动。
A.助燃毛衣 B.防化服 C.防酸防静电服 D.防静电内衣 [判断题]严格正规,要求法治素养好,落实条令条例坚决,遵守规章制度认真,执行操作规程精细,战备、训练、工作、生活规范有序
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胸痛的性质可提示某种疾病,下列正确的是哪项()
A. 绞窄性痛-肺梗死 B. 闷痛-肺癌 C. 撕裂痛-带状疱疹 D. 刀割样痛-千性胸膜炎 E. 尖锐刺痛-心绞痛 [不定项选择题]在正线出勤后认真确认( )和位置,提前( )分钟到达指定位置立岗接车
A.交路 B.接车车次 C.1 D.注意事项 [判断题]在同一个停电范围内有几个作业组同时作业时,对每一个作业组,值班员必须统一办理停电作业申请。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]什么贷款是指依据借款人的信誉发放的贷款,借款人不需要提供担保。()
A. 保证贷款 B. 抵押贷款 C. 信用贷款 D. 质押贷款 [多选题]现金流量表,根据其用途划主要分为( )三个活动分类。
A.现金回款 B.经营 C.投资 D.融资 [单选题]旅客列车硬座的实际定员:总标记定员减()座位(非新型客车)。
A.4个 B.6个 C.10个 D.12个 [多选题]口笛鸣示方式为二短声的为( )
A.二道 B.减速 C.距离信号五车 D.试验制动机缓解 [单项选择]数据库系统一般由哪些成分构成 Ⅰ.数据库 Ⅱ.数据库管理员 Ⅲ.数据库管理系统及其工具 Ⅳ.用户 Ⅴ.操作系统 Ⅵ.应用系统
A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ D. 全部 我来回答: 提交