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WASHINGTON, D. C. -- The threat of ballistic missiles from countries such as Iran and North Korea could materialize with little warning, a Congressional panel of defense experts reported today. That conclusion differs from earlier assessments by the U. S. intelligence community and the Clinton Administration, which have concluded that a new threat to U. S. territory is at least a decade off.
The panel -- called the Commission to Assess The Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States -- was set up by the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997 and first met in January 1998. Its nine policymakers; technologists, and senior military officials had "unprecedented access to the most sensitive and highly classified information," said panel chairperson Donald Rumsfeld, a former secretary of defense, at a press conference here. The panel found that liberalized exportcontrols, increased international exchanges of students and scientific personne
A. It came into being in 1997
B. It is made up of policy-makers, technologists and senior military officials
C. Its members can get the highly classified information
D. Its chairman Donald Rumsfeld now is also the secretary of defense
In January 1995, the world witnessed the emergence of a new international economic order with the launching of the World Trade Organization. The WTO, which succeeds the GATT, is expected to strengthen the world trading system and to be more effective than the GATT in governing international trade in goods and services in many aspects.
First, trade liberalization all over the world is expected to increase via the dramatic reductions in Wade barriers to which the members of the WTO are committed. Under the WTO, members are required to reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on manufacturing goods. In addition, protecting domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition will become awfully difficult in the new WTO system.
Second, rules and regulations governing international trade will be more strongly enforced. Under the old system of the GATT, there were many cases where trade measures, such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, were intentionally used solel
A. measures of anti-dumping and countervailing were solely used for protectionist reason
B. it is still easy to protect domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition
C. people can enjoy better life
D. members should reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on products
部分省(市)商品房销售面积和销售额增长情况(2009年1—10月) | ||||
地 区 | 商品房销售面积(万平方米) | 销售面积增速(%) | 商品房销售额(亿元) | 销售额增速(%) |
北京 | 1757.59 | 111.5 | 2323.58 | 121.4 |
辽宁 | 3816.41 | 40.2 | 1524.00 | 49.3 |
上海 | 2770.86 | 52.8 | 3463.58 | 128.7 |
山东 | 4812.77 | 28.8 | 1672.15 | 48.7 |
广东 | 5235.62 | 57.6 | 3455.32 | 72.6 |
吉林 | 931.62 | 25.4 | 306.57 | 44.6 |
黑龙江 | 1229.36 | 25.5 | 422.81 | 54.4 |
内蒙古 | 1534.42< A. 中部地区 B. 西部地区 C. 东部地区 D. 无法判断 [判断题]电动工具使用前,应检查确认电线、接地或接零完好;检查确认工具的金属外壳可靠接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]作业组成员应服从( )的安排,对不安全有疑问的命令要( )。
[单项选择]Enjoying Your career
’My business is my hobby,’ someone tells you. ’I wish I could make a living from my hobby,’ you may think. ’It sounds ideal.’ Yet according to Sue Cole, a management expert, there can be both advantages and disadvantages for those who combine their hobby with their career. ’There’s a real possibility that your hobby becomes less attractive when it’s your job. But also quite a few people who make their hobby their career become too enthusiastic and forget about the basic principles of business,’ she says. ’For example, someone may think: "I love cooking. There aren’t enough restaurants in this area. I’ll start one up." And they go ahead without establishing how many customers they’ll need each day or what income they’ll require to cover costs. That can be a recipe for disaster.’ Richard Campbell, however, has made a success of it. A keen amateur singer with a passion for travel, he first became involved in organising musical tours as a universi A. He relocated the company offices. B. He targeted a new group of consumers. C. He expanded the destinations the company dealt wit [判断题]․.侧架立柱磨耗板与斜楔副面配合,产生摩擦阻力。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]当环境风速达<--NRC-->m/s及以上时,严禁动车组列车进入风区。
A. 泪总管阻塞 B. 鼻泪管阻塞 C. 鼻泪管狭窄 D. 慢性泪囊炎 E. 泪小管阻塞 [单项选择]19世纪的欧洲美术中心是()。
A. 柏林 B. 巴黎 C. 伦敦 D. 马德里 [单选题]中国人民解放军的内务建设,必须坚持政治工作的( )。
A.根本保证 B.生命线地位 C.根本标准 D.性质 [单项选择]社会评价中的项目后评价,应分析评价()产生的实际情况,并在此基础上预测项目寿命期内的效果及其变化状况。
A. 项目实施过程中 B. 项目工程建成后 C. 项目试运营阶段 D. 项目实施若干年后 [单选题]从绩效管理的层次上可以分为( )系统。
A.项目绩效管理 B.组织绩效管理 C.企业绩效管理 D.团队绩效管理 [多项选择]接受以下委托人的委托的房地产代理中,属于卖方代理的有( )。
A. 房地产开发商 B. 存量房的所有者 C. 出租房屋的业主 D. 房屋承租人 E. 购买房屋者 [判断题][285]水泥是一种水硬性胶凝材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]《广西安全用电管理办法》规定,供电企业有哪些权利?()
A. 供电企业有权制止危害供电安全的行为 B. 供电企业有权制止扰乱供电秩序的行为 C. 供电企业有权制止扰乱用电秩序的行为 D. 供电企业有权制止危害安全用电的行为 [判断题]根据《供电营业规则》,用户连续6个月不用电,也不申请办理暂停用电手续者,供电企业须以销户终止其用电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]普通双绞网线在实际使用中,用了8芯里面的()其中4芯。
[单选题]1.9 临时机动车驾驶许可档案资料_____。
A.保留两年后销毁 B.保留三年后销毁 C.保留五年后销毁 D.应长期保留 [多选题]凡未经国铁集团有关部门公布的,技术参数不全的( )( )( )及( ),一律不得使用。
A.敞车 B.平车 C.棚车 D.长大货物 [多选题]流动资金贷款可以用于( )
A.购买生产原材料 B.并购竞争对手企业 C.固定资产投资 D.支付工人工资及其他日常周转 [名词解释]硅质硬结核
[判断题]强风情况下,易产生大团飞火,会出现跳跃式蔓延现象,而且蔓延速度快。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不是慢性心功能不全的代偿调节机制()
A. 交感神经兴奋 B. 水钠潴留 C. 迷走神经兴奋 D. 心肌肥厚 E. 心房钠尿肽(又称心房肽、心钠素)释放 我来回答: 提交