About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitation to a film studio(摄影间) to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our "act" would only (61) for three minutes in all, we were given the (62) to see quite a number of interesting things. We all stood (63) the far end of the studio (64) workmen preparing the scene which was to be filmed. Very (65) , bright lights were turned on and the path was covered with (66) looked like salt. The producer of the film shouted something to the camera-operator. (67) waved his hand in (68) and went to speak to the two famous actors who were standing (69) . Since it was hot in the studio, (70) came as a surprise to us to see one of the actors (71) a heavy over coat. He pulled a hat down (72) his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and started walking (73) the path. A big fan began (74) tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the
A. looking
B. watching
C. seeing
D. noticing
The next time the men were taken up
onto the deck, Kunta made a point of looking at the man behind him in line, the
one who lay beside him to the left when they were below. He was a Serer
tribesman much older than Kunta, and his body, front and back, was creased with
whip cuts, some of them so deep and festering that Kunta, felt badly for having
wished sometimes that be might strike the man in the darkness for moaning so
steadily in his pain. Staring back at Kunta, the Serer’s dark eyes were full of
fury and defiance. A whip lashed out even as they stood looking at each
other--this time at Kunta, spurring him to move ahead. Trying to roll away,
Kunta was kicked heavily in his ribs. But somehow he and the gasping Wolof
managed to stagger back up among the other men from their shelf who were
shambling toward their dousing with bucke A. disgust with the dirt B. horror at the injustice C. revolting at the foul odor D. relief that this happened long ago [单选题]《南昌局集团公司安检查危工作管理办法》(南铁客〔2019〕264号)规定手持金属探测仪原则上适用对()进行检查时使用。
A.行李 B.旅客人身 C.随身携带品 D.包裹 [单选题]通过聘用制度转换事业单位的用人机制。下列有关说法不正确的是( )
A.实现事业单位人事管理由岗位管理向身份管理转变 B.由单纯行政管理向法制管理转变 C.由行政依附关系向平等人事主体转变 D.由国家用人向单位用人转变 [判断题]按实施条例规定,投标文件少于3个时,招标人必须依法重新组织招标
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些设备及通道不得堵塞?
A.救生艇 B.消防炮 C.灭火器 D.室内应急通道 [单项选择]2003年发布了等同采用ISO/TS16949:2002的GB/T18305-2003《质量管理体系要求汽车生产件及相关维修零件组织应用GB/T19001-2000的特别要求》。这个规范是在()标准《质量管理体系要求》的基础上,加入了汽车行业的特殊要求形成的。
A. ISO9001:2000 B. ISO/TS16949:2002 C. SO/TS16949:1999 [单项选择]英美法系是以英国( )为基础发展起来的法律的总称。
A. 私法 B. 普通法 C. 衡平法 D. 宪法 [简答题]简述苏区行政监督上主管部门监督所采取的主要形式。
A.3天 B.4天 C.5天 D.7天 E.12天 [判断题]模板工喝酒后只要不醉,就可以模板搭设。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]外贸货物卸船完毕,作业委托人与理货机构共同核对、确认卸船货物的数量和质量并签证。货运程序007
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 硅锰弹簧钢热酸浸蚀检验时酸液成份为( )工业盐酸水溶液。
A.1:1 B.1:2 C.2:1 D.1:3。 [单项选择]下列不属于透析患者常用药物的是()。
A. 磷结合剂 B. 维生素D C. 维生素A D. 人促红素(EPO) E. 缓泻药 [单选题]组织人员赶赴现场后,( )必须与现场处置工作同步进行。
A.调查访问 B.记录出警情况 C.现场录音录像 D.核实目击证人的身份 [单选题]遮断信号机距防护地点不得小于( )m。
A.20 B.50 C.100 D.200 [多项选择]哪些情况下会导致旁路挡板门快开()?
A. 增压风机故障停运; B. 浆液循环泵故障停运; C. 6KV失电; D. 氧化风机故障停运。 [判断题]在同一个车站的所有工作站能够执行相同的ISCS操作当一个工作站出现故障时,操作人员应能登录到另一台工作站接管它的操作任务
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出现机电管理“红线”,视情节轻重,给予矿牵头业务科室负责人警告直至( )处分。
A.A、降级 B.B、免职 C.C、撤职D罚款 [判断题]为减轻和防止导线脱冰跳跃和舞动对导线造成的损伤,可使用重锤或非固定性线夹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在计算机领域中,媒体是指( )。
A. 表示和传播信息的载体 B. 各种信息的编码 C. 计算机的输入输出信息 D. 计算机屏幕显示的信息 [判断题]地壳上的油气分布具有不均衡性和区域性的特点。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交