Text 4
Everyday some 16m barrels of oil leave the Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz. That is enough to fill a soft drink can for everyone on earth, or to power every motor vehicle on the planet for 25 miles (40km). Gulf oil accounts for 40% of global trade in the sticky stuff. More important, it makes up two-thirds of known deposits. Whereas at present production rates the rest of the world’s oil reserves will last for a mere 25 years, the Gulf’s will last for 100 years. In other words, the region’s strategic importance is set to grow and grow.
Or at least so goes the conventional wisdom, which is usually rounded out with scary talk of unstable, spendthrift regimes and a looming fundamentalist menace. Yet all those numbers come with caveats. A great deal of oil is consumed by the countries that produce it rather than traded, so in reality the Gulf accounts for less than a quarter of the world’s daily consumption. As for reserves, the
A. "Some of the world's bothersome hotspots are near the Gulf.
B. "Oil is big, but it is not the only reason to take the Gulf seriously."
C. "While the oil price keeps rising, the Gulf is attractive to traders. "
D. "Tighten thrift regimes on oil consumption, the single remedy."
Many theories concerning the causes of
juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the
individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories
(21) on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal
behavior (22) they were not sufficiently penalized for
previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through
(23) with others. Theories focusing on the role of society
suggest that children commit crimes in (24) to their failure
to rise above their socioeconomic status, (25) as a rejection
of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on
children from disadvantaged families, (26) the fact that
children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes
(27) lack of adequate pa- rental control. A. than B. that C. which. D. as [判断题]事故(事件)调查过程中,严禁打听、泄露、传播未经公开的任何调查内容
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]焊补钢轨、辙叉时,电焊机应采取()措施,防止人员触电灼伤。《安规》第3.5.4条
A.接地 B.安全 C.漏电保护 D.自锁 [单选题]任何单位或者个人对事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为,()向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报。
A.A.无权 B.B.均有权 C.C.应逐级 D.D.应越级救援人员 [判断题]变压器高压侧短路接地或采取绝缘遮蔽措施后,方可进入变压器室工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]送人鲜花绝对不能是13枝。在日本、韩国、朝鲜、中国等国家送4枝鲜花也是招人白眼的。
总布置图一般由()组成。 A. ②、③、④ B. ③、④、⑤ C. ①、②、④ D. ①、②、③ [单选题]关于直升机实践应用,下面描述正确的是()。
A.建立联勤联动机制 B.联合开展专项训练 C.联合开展战术研讨 D.遂行装备模块化 [判断题]判断题】 在高压设备上工作,对于可能送电至停电设备的各方面都必须装设接地线或合上接地刀闸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于被告人最后陈述的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 因为被告人可能放弃该权利,故而被告人最后陈述不是庭审的一个独立阶段 B. 在公开审理的案件中,陈述的内容不得藐视法律、法庭,也不得涉及个人隐私 C. 被告人在最后陈述中提出了新的事实、证据,合议庭认为可能影响正确裁判的,可以恢复法庭调查 D. 如果被告人提出新的辩解理由,合议庭认为确有必要的,应当恢复法庭辩论 [单选题]手枪 对于( )相当于( )对于 箭
A.火药 金属 B.扳机 弩 C.戟 刀 D.子弹 弓 [单项选择]患者女性,30岁,教师,因“声嘶3个月”来诊。查体:双声带运动好,充血,左侧声带前、中1/3交界处绿豆粒大小肿物,光滑,粉红色。最可能的诊断和最合适的治疗是()
A. 声带息肉,息肉摘除术 B. 喉癌,部分喉切除术 C. 喉部血管瘤,激光切除 D. 喉乳头状瘤,手术加干扰素治疗 E. 声带息肉,大剂量激素治疗 [填空题]( )是实现党的领导的重要方式,是我国社会主义民主政治的特有形式和独特优势。
[判断题]( )TB/T1632.3-2005标准规定,钢轨铝热焊头焊筋表面经打磨后不应出现裂纹。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]列车发生火灾、爆炸需要分隔甩车时,应如何处理? J370
[单项选择]数据库提供给用户的接口是( ),它具有数据定义、数据操作和数据检查功能,可独立使用,也可嵌入宿主语言使用。
A. 数据库语言 B. 过程化语言 C. 宿主语言 D. 面向对象语言 [单选题]低压回路停电的安全措施:将检修设备的( )断开取下熔断器,在开关或刀开关操作把手上挂“禁止合闸 有人工作”的标示牌。
A.A.各方面电源 B.B.上级电源 C.C.主电源 D.D.下级电源 [单选题]我国把新建最高运行速度不小于()的铁路称为高速铁路。
A.200km/h B.250km/h C.300km/h D.350km/h [判断题] 纳税人在公安机关立案后再补缴应纳税款、缴纳滞纳金或者接受行政处罚的,不影响刑事责任的追究。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设计和选购服装长短的依据是()。
A. 号 B. 型 C. 号型 D. 型号 我来回答: 提交