My bones have been aching again, as they often do in humid weather. They ache like history: things long done with, that still remain as pain. When the ache is bad enough it keeps me from sleeping. Every night I yearn for sleep, I strive for it; yet it flutters on ahead of me like a curtain. There are sleeping pills, of course, but the doctor has warned me against them. Last night, after what seemed hours of damp turmoil, I got up and crept slipperless down the stairs, feeling my way in the faint street light that came through the window. Once safely arrived at the bottom, I walked into the kitchen and looked around in the refrigerator. There was nothing much I wanted to eat: the remains of a bunch of celery, a blue-tinged heel of bread, a lemon going soft. I’ve fallen into the habits of the solitary; my meals are snatched and random. Furtive snacks, furtive treats and picnics. I made do with some peanut butter, scooped directly from the jar with a forefinger: why dirty a sp
A. it was too damp in the bedroom.
B. she had run out of sleeping pills.
C. she was in very poor health.
D. she felt very hungry.
"When one of the doctors criticizes me,
I get defensive. I feel like a child again, being scolded, and I want to explain
that I’m not wrong," says Viola, a nurse. This is a common reaction to
criticism, but not a good one. There are better ways of dealing with
criticism. {{B}}1. Try to be objective.{{/B}} When Sol was criticized by his new employer for not having made a sale, Sol’s reaction was to feel sorry for himself. "I had put everything I had into making that sale," Sol says," and I felt that I had failed as a person. I had to learn through experience not to react like that to each failure." {{B}}2. Take time to cool down.{{/B}} Rather than reacting immediately to criticism, take some time to think over what was said. Your first question should be whether the criticism is fair from the other person’s position. The prob A. argued bitterly with his employer B. was angry and gave up his job C. was sorry for himself D. was sad but confident [填空题]炼钢过程碳氧反应的反应式为:()。
[单项选择]压缩部分行业过剩和落后生产能力的举措有( )。
A. 依法关闭资不抵债的企业 B. 对产品没有市场的企业依法关闭 C. 对污染严重的厂矿实施破产 D. 积极稳妥地关闭资源枯竭矿山 [单选题]感觉后像可分为( )。
A.彩色后像和非彩色后像 B.明后像和暗后像 C.同时后像和相继后像 D.正后像和负后像 [单选题]变电检修按电检修范围、风险等级、管控难度等情况分为()。
A.特大型检修、大型检修、中型检修、小型检修 B.大型检修、中型检修、小型检修 C.特大型检修、大型检修、中型检修 D.大型检修、中型检修 [判断题]双机(或多机)牵引使用动力制动时,前部机车使用后,再通知后部机车依次使用;解除动力制动时,根据前部机车的通知,后部机车先解除,前部机车后解除动力制动。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]计算机会计与手工会计的目的、原理基本是一致的,例如都要()
A. 遵守国家会计制度 B. 根据企业的特点选择账务处理程序 C. 从技术和制度上堵塞各种可能的漏洞以防止作弊 D. 保存会计档案和编制会计报表 [判断题]>单相交流发电机发的电不一定叫单相交流电。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]均匀控制系统中的调节器一般都采用()控制作用。
A. 纯比例 B. 比例和微分 C. 比例和积分 [单选题]营销作业现场执行工作票“( )”的工作,应由双方许可人均办理工作终结手续后,方可视为工作终结。
A.双审核 B.双许可 C.双审批 D.双签发 [单选题]患者女,31岁,孕39+5周,临产。骨盆外测量22cm、26cCm、19cm、9cm,决定先试产。试产3小时后,产妇阴道流出浅绿色浑浊羊水,提示()
A.宫内感染 B.胎儿窘迫 C.胎盘早剥 D.胎儿死亡 E.先兆子宫破裂 [判断题] ( )一级除尘又叫机械除尘。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于开市期间停牌的申报问题,下列说法正确的有( )。
A. 开市期间停牌的,停牌前的申报参加当日证券复牌后的交易 B. 停牌期间,可以申报,申报也可以撤销 C. 上海证券交易所规定,不揭示集合竞价参考价格、匹配量和未匹配量 D. 复牌时对已接受的申报实行集合竞价 [判断题]球芯折角塞门手把置于与塞门体方向一致时,为关闭位置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交