Richard, King of England from 1189 to
1199, with all his characteristic virtues and faults cast in a heroic mould, is
one of the most fascinating medieval figures. He has been described as the
creature and embodiment of the age of chivalry, In those days the lion was much
admired in heraldry, and more than one king sought to link himself with its
repute. When Richard’s contemporaries called him "Coeur de Lion"(The Lion
heart), they paid a lasting compliment to the king of beasts. Little did the
English people owe him for his services, and heavily did they pay for his
adventures. He was in England only twice for a few short months in his ten
years’ reign; yet his memory has always English hearts, and seems to present
throughout the centuries the pattern of the fighting man. In all deeds of
prowess as well as in large schemes of war Richard shone. He was tal A. (A) An aggressive king, too fond of war. B. (B) A brave king with minor faults. C. (C) A competent but cunning soldier. D. (D) A king with great political skills. [单选题] 我国煤矿安全生产的方针是( )。
A. 安全第一,预防为主,综合治理 B. 安全第一,质量为本 C. 安全为了生产,生产必须安全 D. 质量是基础,安全是前提 [单选题]如果一家商业银行的贷款平均额为1200亿元,核心存款平均额为300亿元,流动性资产为100亿元,那么该银行的流动性需求是()亿元。
A.400 B.600 C.800 D.1000 [单项选择]治疗急性血源性骨髓炎必须采取的措施是()
A. 手术 B. 局部制动 C. 髓腔引流 D. 切开排脓及抗生素灌注 E. 开窗减压 [单项选择]
Nowadays there are more and more ways of going on holiday. More and more people go abroad every year. Some people even go on two or three holidays a year. [单项选择]表现为肛周反复流脓水,久不收口的疾病是()
A. 外痔 B. 肛隐窝炎 C. 肛痈 D. 肛漏 E. 肛裂 [单选题]以下关于个人保安线错误的是()。
A.在工作地段有感应电伤害风险时,应在作业地点装设个人保安线 B.在220kV线路上工作使用个人保安线时,由于感应电强,三相上均应装设个人保安线 C.个人保安线应在杆塔上接触或接近导线的作业开始前装设,作业结束且人体脱离导线后拆除 D.接地线可以用来代替个人保安线 [单选题]在有害气体扩散环境中,氧气含量低于( )%时不能使用多用途滤毒罐。
A.25 B.21 C.19 D.17 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,旅客开始旅行后不能退票。但如因伤、病不能继续旅行时,经站、车证实,可退还已收票价与已乘区间票价差额,核收退票费。已乘区间不足起码里程时,按起码里程计算;但同行人不可退票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,16岁,ITP患者,长期应用肾上腺糖皮质激素,但效果不佳,血小板持续20×109/L,下一步治疗建议是()。
A. 大剂量丙种球蛋白 B. 输注长春新碱 C. 脾切除 D. 应用雄激素 E. 大剂量肾上腺糖皮质激素 [判断题]同步检波器只能用于对普通调幅波的解调。
A. 急性牙髓炎 B. 牙龈乳头炎 C. 慢性牙髓炎 D. 慢性根尖周炎 E. 深龋 [单项选择]强心苷正性肌力作用的机制是()
A. 兴奋心肌细胞膜上β受体 B. 兴奋心肌细胞膜上α受体 C. 增加心肌细胞内游离Ca2+含量 D. 直接兴奋交感神经 E. 抑制心肌细胞M受体 [多选题]常用的质量概念是(____)。
A.产品质量 B.服务质量 C.工作质量 D.工序质量 [单选题]通用设计110-A1-1方案编号中“A1”代表什么意思?
A.户外站 B.一次设备预制舱 C.户内站 D.班户内站 [判断题]三极管按结构分为PNP和NPN二种类型。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高[电]压:a)通常指()低压的电压等级。b)特定情况下,指电力系统中()的电压等级。
A.超过 B.输电 C.低于 D.配电 [多选题]沃云盘“通讯录备份”支持的备份文件包括哪些?
A.联系人姓名 B.手机号码 C.号码备注 D.头像 E.通话记录 [单选题]( )集中体现了一个国家基于文化而具有的凝聚力和生命力,以及由此产生的吸引力和影响力。 ( )
A.文化霸权 B.传统文化 C.文化软实力 D.主流文化 [多项选择]建设项目总投资主要由( )组成。
A. 固定资产投资 B. 建筑安装工程费用 C. 设备及工器具购置费 D. 预备费 E. 流动资产投资 [简答题]何谓废石?
[单项选择]If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmosphere, the planet’s fragile layer of air would be as good as fixed. The two great dangers threatening the blanket of gases that nurtures and protects life on earth--global warming and the thinning ozone layer--have been identified. Better yet, scientists and policymakers have come up with effective though expensive countermeasures.
But that doesn’t mean these problems are anywhere close to being solved. The stratospheric ozone layer, for example, is still getting thinner, despite the 1987 international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol, which calls for a phaseout of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals by the year 2006. CFCs--first fingered as dangerous in the 1970s by Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina, two of this year’s Nobel--prizewinning chemists--have been widely used for refrigeration and other purposes. If uncontrolled, the CFC assault on the ozone layer c A. rich countries fail to come up with money. B. chemicals are brought under control. C. industries have turned to safer substances. D. threatening dangers have been noticed. [判断题]民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合。()
[单选题] 按照时间的先后顺序,将套管波、地层波、钻井液波三种波全都记录在一起的一种测井方法叫做()。
A.声波幅度测井 B.声波变密度测井 C.密度测井 D.自然电位测井 [单项选择]Why is the woman calling
A. She needs more information about the apartment. B. She wants the man to give her some good advice. C. She wants to buy an apartment with three rooms. D. She wants to live in the apartment. [多项选择]与幽门螺杆菌有关的叙述,正确的是
A. 是非自身免疫性慢性胃炎的致病菌 B. 革兰阴性螺旋形 C. 微需氧环境生长 D. 氧化酶阳性 E. 快速脲酶试验强阳性 [判断题]政协委员与人大代表一样,都是通过选举产生。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择]关于内部审核的方法,以下说法正确的是()。
A. 内审不必制订计划 B. 内审不必规定程序 C. 内审结论是基于可获得的信息作出的 D. 内审应按规定的时间间隔进行 [多项选择]趋势的方向包括( )
A. 上升方向 B. 下降方向 C. 水平方向 D. 垂直方向 E. 无趋势方向 [单选题]搬运时如需经过山地陡坡或凹凸不平之处,应预先制定运输方案,采取必要的( )。
A.防范措施 B.防滑措施 C.安全措施 D.监护措施 [单项选择]我国现存最古老的行政法典是:
A. 《永徽律疏》 B. 《唐六典》 C. 《宋刑统》 D. 《大明会典》 我来回答: 提交