{{B}}Success of New Rail Links in
Europe{{/B}} The Eurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea between Britain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled on Eurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London and Brussels. Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris and Brussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from Lond A. commuters from the UK to Paris and Brussels. B. passengers travelling on holiday. C. people who need to do a full day’s work in Paris. D. business travellers. [判断题]制动系统的双塔空气干燥器里的干燥剂吸水为化学作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]医院战略的特点是:()、()、()、()、()。
A. 严禁上下同时拆除 B. 设防护栏杆 C. 设警戒区 D. 派专人监护 E. 立告示牌 [单选题]笔试:场地驾驶:机动车驾驶证
A.阳光:氧气:鲜花 B.软件:硬件:计算机 C.地震:乱砍滥伐:泥石流 D.石油:汽油:汽车 [单选题]沟通过程的发送者需要向接受者传递信息或者需要接受者提供信息。这里所说的信息是一个广义的概念,它包括观点、( )、资料等内容。
A.意图 B.想法 C.情况 D.背景 [单选题]肺( )
A.是气体交物和物质交换的场所 B.位于胸腔的纵隔内 C.左肺三叶,右肺二叶 D.肺尖高出锁骨中段上方2~3cm E.内侧面中部凹陷处称肺门 [单选题]脊柱骨折病人转送时应采取
A.背运 B.单车驮运 C.汽车坐运 D.担架抬运 E.硬板抬运 [简答题]简述影响受精的因素。
A. 球心位置 B. 球轴线 C. 球心在对刀平面上的投影 D. 球回转轴线的垂直线 [判断题]清洁案台、烧铁板,同样也是热菜助理工作的范围。()
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