B注册会计师负责对乙公司20×8年财务报表进行审计,B注册会计师出具审计报告的日期为20×9年3月15日,财务报表报出日为20×9年3月20日。在审计过程中,B注册会计师遇到下列事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。 |
Sometimes something looks different
from another thing but it is usually the same. Sometimes something looks the
same s another thing but it is really different. Sometimes we can not believe our eyes. Here is an example. If we are standing in front of an entrance of a tunnel, we can see the other end where we go out. We feel the entrance much bigger than the other end. If we go through the tunnel, we find that the ends are the same size. One is not bigger than the other. They are the same. Now let’s turn around and look through the tunnel from the other end. Now we find that the end near us looks bigger. The other end looks smaller. But we know that they are the same size. Things that are near us seem big. Things that are far away from us see [判断题]严格执行电费违约金制度,达局级以上单位可随意调整电费违约金。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]测定有机液体中微量硫时,其回收率应在()之间。
A. 95%~105% B. 85%~95% C. 75%~95% D. 65%~85% [单选题]张三采取偷拍的方式窃取了李四、王二等人的信用卡信息资料,张三既自己用这些信息资料伪造信用卡,又将信息资料非法提供给他人,张三的行为( )。
A.构成窃取、收买、非法提供信用卡信息罪 B.构成伪造金融票证罪 C.以窃取、收买、非法提供信用卡信息罪与伪造金融票证罪数罪并罚 D.以窃取、收买、非法提供信用卡信息罪与伪造金融票证罪从一重罪处罚 [多项选择]在寡头垄断市场上,除了价格竞争外,寡头企业还可以选择的其他非价格竞争方式有( )。
A. 锁定客户 B. 捆绑销售 C. 搭配销售 D. 广告行为 E. 补贴行为 [单项选择]女性,35岁,1年前曾疑被害,常听到有很多人的声音在咒骂她,有的声音叫她吃安眠药死了吧。患者自服地西泮(安定)100片自杀,被家人及时发现送至医院抢救而自杀未遂,被诊断为精神分裂症,服用抗精神病药物,住院治疗1个月,临床治愈出院。出院后恢复工作,坚持服药4个月后自行停药,7天前病情复发,症状同前,此次还感到自己的思维、言行完全受人控制,自语、发笑不由自主,伴发心慌、焦虑不安、心情压抑,4小时前感到受人控制,不能自控地出门、行走,从河滩走入河中欲自杀。被人发现及时救起送到医院治疗。导致该患者第2次自杀行为的主要精神症状是().
A. 被害妄想 B. 被控制感 C. 命令性幻听 D. 抑郁症状 E. 焦虑症状 [判断题]溴化锂制冷机中U形管的作用是防结晶。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]编组站在设备上的特点
[多选题]SF6设备解体检修,以下做法正确的是( )。
A. A.设备解体检修前,应对S B.F6气体进行检验 C.B.根据有毒气体的含量,采取安全防护措施 D.C.检修人员需穿着防护服并根据需要佩戴防毒面具或正压式空气呼吸器 E.D.取出吸附剂和清除粉尘时,检修人员应戴防毒面具或正压式空气呼吸器和防护手套 [多项选择]RTS系统来帐处理一般有()等处理方式,只能选用一种处理方式。
A. 解付入帐 B. 分报 C. 转柜组 D. 宕帐 E. 退报 [单项选择]患者女,22岁。单位体检发现甲功异常,查体:甲状腺不大。实验室检查:TSH6.15mIU/L(0.35~4.94mIU/L),FT412.78pmol/L(9.01~19.05pmol/L),FT33.14pmol/L(2.63~5.70pmol/L),TPOAb4.94(0~5.61IU/ml),TGAb2.28(0~4.11IU/ml),两个月后复查甲功,TSH5.87mIU/L,FT413.17pmol/L,FT32.96pmol/L。经L-T4治疗后,患者甲功恢复正常,TSH2.37mIU/L,一个月后发现怀孕,此时应如何调整L-T4治疗剂量()
A. 增加L-T4的剂量5%~10% B. 增加L-T4的剂量10%~15% C. 增加L-T4的剂量20%~25% D. 增加L-T4的剂量25%~30% E. L-T4的剂量加倍 F. 无需调整L-T4的剂量 [简答题]进站色灯信号机显示一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光时,其显示含义是什么?J415
A.30~32m B.32~34m C.28~30m [单选题] 凡参加高处作业的人员,应( )进行一次体检。
A. 2年 B. 1年 C. 3年 D. 4年 [单项选择]It was inevitable that any of President George W. Bush’s fans had to be very disappointed by his decision to implement high tariffs on steel imported to the U.S. The president’s defense was pathetic: He argued that the steel tariffs were somehow consistent with free trade, that the domestic industry was important and struggling, and that the relief was a temporary measure to allow time for restructuring. One reason that this argument is absurd is that U. S. integrated steel companies ("Big Steel") have received various forms of government protection and subsidy for more than 30 years.
Instead of encouraging the industry to restructure, the long-term protection has sustained inefficient companies and cost U.S. consumers dearly. As Anne O. Krueger, now deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said in a report on Big Steel: "The American Big Steel industry has been the champion lobbyist and seeker of protection .... It provides a key and disillusioning example of A. Lower efficiency. B. Lack of protection. C. Corporate structures. D. Lobbyist addiction. [判断题]危化企业的安全生产管理人员可以直接任免,不用告知主管的负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]项目风险管理致力于减轻风险对实现项目目标的影响,通常由风险管理规划、风险识别、( )、( )、( )、风险监测与控制等部分构成。
A.风险保证 B.风险定性分析 C.风险定量分析 D.风险响应规划 我来回答: 提交