Fireworks are a big part of Fourth of July celebrations in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of Americans enjoyed public pyrotechnic displays across the country Sunday night to celebrate the U.S. birthday. The holiday throws the spotlight on another annual campaign ,an effort to completely ban consumer fireworks in the United States.
As Americans around the country watched July Fourth fireworks celebrations, debate has been simmering about whether individuals should be allowed to buy fireworks to celebrate privately. Seven U.S. states prohibit sales of all consumer fireworks. A coalition of groups, led by James Shannon, president of the non-profit fire safety group, the National Fire Protection Association, says that ban should be extended to include the entire United States. "Those fireworks axe inherently dangerous products," he said. "There might be another problem with some of them being designed defectively, so that they are particularly dang
A. The set-up of American Fireworks Standards Laboratory to regulate the firework market.
B. Increasing imports of fireworks from China.
C. To give temporary warnings to Americans about the dangers of fireworks.
D. To ban the use and sales of fireworks across the States.
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[单选题]防误操作闭锁装置不得随意退出运行,停用防误操作闭锁装置应经( )批准。
A.检修负责人 B.工区负责人 C.调控人员 D.设备运维管理单位 [单选题]患者男性,70岁。因突然停用糖皮质激素出现哮喘重度发作,表现为端坐呼吸、明显发绀、大汗淋漓,呼吸频率32次/分钟,脉搏120次/分钟、血压90/60mmHg。宜选用的药物是( )
A.酮替芬 B. 氨茶碱 C.喘定 D.肾上腺素 E.色甘酸钠 [判断题]对于已按照规定安排完探亲或者休假,消防员再有提出请假的,一般还可以准假。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]杂费按照发生当日实行的费率核收。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项中,不征收环境保护税的是( )
A.光源污染 B.噪声污染 C.水污染 D.大气污染 [单选题]当APU供油管中压力低于多少时,显示琥珀色低燃油压力信息:( )
A.15 PSI; B.25 PSI; C.30 PSI。 [单项选择] ________ fahren Sie morgen nach Nuernberg -Weil ich dort meinen Freund besuchen will.
A. Wann B. Mit wem C. Warum D. Womit [单选题]七厘散处方中没有的药物是
A.朱砂 B.红花 C.丁香 D.没药 E.麝香 [简答题]简述测量的含义和测量过程的四要素。
[判断题]经审查合格,进入涉密岗位的人员须按照规定签订保密承诺书,明确享有的权利和应占承诺履行的保密义务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在煤层开采中,下列( )种顶板管理方式瓦斯涌出量大。
A.充填法 B.弯曲下沉法 C.全部垮落法 [单选题]人体对钙的吸收主要在( )。
A.小肠 B.大肠 C.十二指肠 D.回肠 [单项选择]采用天然气密封的除油罐停运时要()。
A. 打开排污阀门 B. 打开放空阀 C. 关闭天然气密闭进气阀 D. 打开进气阀 [判断题]客伤是在轨道交通列车运输过程中或在站厅、站台、轨道交通拥有产权的通道、出入口等范围内出现乘客(包括员工)伤亡事件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 简述贾谊骚体赋的创作特点?
A.在药检室主任领导下做好本职工作 B.应全面了解药品制剂质量情况 C.检验记录应正确书写、签名、盖章,按年度装订成册,保存3年 D.在工作中严格按照国家级标准进行检验 E.在检验方法上应采用准确可靠、操作简便的方法 [填空题]起钻时,在()、()、(),必须要观察液面,以免由于尺寸的改变造成井控困难。
[判断题]人是一个积极的、能动的主体,人的发展与动物的发展显著区别之一,就在于人有主观的能动性。 ( )
Help Yourself Through the Hard Times Everyone, at some point, will suffer a loss—the loss of loved ones, good health, or a job. "It’s your ’desert experience’ — a time of feeling barren of options, even hope," explains Patrick Del Zoppo, a psychologist and bereavement(丧失) specialist with the Archdiocese of New York. "The important thing is not to allow yourself to be trapped in the desert. " So, can we actually do things to help ourselves through bad times As I discovered, you can take charge of your own cure. Here’s how. Let yourself grieve Counselors agree that a period of grieving is critical. "There’s no shame in this," says Del Zoppo. "Tears aren’t a sign that you’re simply feeling sorry for yourself but are an expression of sadness or emotion that must find an outlet. " And it doesn’t matter if the grieving takes a while to surface, as long as it finally finds expression. Consider the case of Don A. Sometimes the feeling of grief needs time to unfold. B. Tears are simply an expression of emotion. C. The later one cries, the more serious the problem he will have. D. Faced with terrible tragedy, one might be numb and dizzy at work. [简答题]微机中的总线通常分为哪几类?
A. 沙参麦冬汤 B. 益胃汤 C. 左归丸 D. 补肝汤 E. 补肺汤 [单项选择]日间活动出发前,地陪至少应提前( )到达集合地。
A. 10分钟 B. 20分钟 C. 30分钟 D. 40分钟 我来回答: 提交