Modern complex societies are troubled by a lack of consensus around many issues of right and wrong or proper and improper behavior; and drinking, since the latter part of the 18th century temperance movement became, by the middle of the 19th century, an anti-alcohol movement that culminated in national Prohibition(enacted by constitutional amendment in 1919 and repealed in 1933). Echo movements in other countries had somewhat similar histories. The lack of consensus regarding who may drink how much of what and where and when and with whom is illustrated by the crazy quilt of local regulations extant in the United States. In some localities there is total prohibition or prohibition only of distilled spirits and strong wines; in some, only those over 18 or over 21 years of age may buy drinks; in some, married women under age may buy but not married under-age men; in some, until recently, Indians could not buy; in some, liquor may be sold only by the bottle, not by the drink; in som
A. those favoring moral strictness are not powerful enough to start an anti-alcohol movement
B. the common-interest business groups win more support on the alcohol issue
C. moderate amount of drinking can play a positive role within families and common-interest group
D. there is a consensus among people that moderate amount of drinking is helpful for a morally positive life