The success story started in northern Italy towards the end of the Second World War. Leone Benetton had a bicycle rental (租赁) business in the town of Treviso. He wanted his oldest son Luciano to study and become a doctor. After Leone died, the family was poor and Luciano decided to leave school and get a job. He found work in a clothing store but soon had his own ideas and started a family clothing company producing colorful woolen sweaters for people only used to wearing dull colors. Shops selling only Benetton sweaters opened in many Italian cities and by 1974 there were stores in France, Germany and Belgium.
It was clear that at this stage the success of the Benetton business lay in the strength of the family. In 1975 Luciano married the 20-year-old Marina Salomon who worked in one of his shops. After careful research, Benetton opened his first shop in the USA, in Manhattan, New York, where it attracted some very special customers includin
A. material
B. color
C. size
D. price
It’s an industry built purely{{U}}
(31) {{/U}}image, but the actors, actresses and singers who turn to it
for help like to keep it a{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. It’s plastic surgery. And
many perfect- looking pop stars keep{{U}} (33) {{/U}}they have changed
their{{U}} (34) {{/U}}appearance.{{U}} (35) {{/U}}even get
furious about any claims that they’ve been under the{{U}} (36)
{{/U}} Compared with China, plastic surgery history is a more{{U}} (37) {{/U}}discussed matter in South Korea. Many actors and actresses don’t treat it as a taboo and{{U}} (38) {{/U}}admit that they have had it. One example is actress Char Rim (Cai Lin) who said that she{{U}} (39) {{/U}}a nose enhancing job after graduating from school. Doctor Tian Yongcheng, a plastic surgeon well-known in celebrity circles, said: "Many South Korean stars who{{U}} (40) {{/U A. glory B. secret C. fame D. disaster [单选题]三极管和场效应晶体管的控制信号(即驱动信号)为( )。
A.均为电压控制 B.均为电流控制 C.三极管为电压控制,场效应管为电流控制 D.三极管为电流控制,场效应管为电压控制 [多选题]防雷装置安装运行状况,主要包括( )。
A.安装并设置安全标志 B.定期检测并合格 C.及时进行整改并合格 D.定期维护 [判断题]调车作业计划是保证实现阶段计划的调车作业具体行动计划。由调车领导人负责编制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]CT扫描图像环状伪影形成的原因为()
A. 致密的解剖结构 B. 病人移动 C. 心脏跳动 D. 探测器灵敏度不一致 E. 未摘除的异物 [单选题]JZ-7型空气制动机工作风缸充气止回阀胶垫不平整,阀口有损伤,有异物时,将工作风缸压力空气漏入( )为内漏。
A.降压风缸 B.制动缸 C.制动管 [判断题]TIC124是三线制的热电阻温度检测仪表。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]矿山、金属冶炼、建筑施工、道路运输单位和 ( )的生产、经营、储存单位,应当设置安全生产管理机构或者配备专职安全生产管理人员。
A.石油天然气 B.危险物品 C.非煤矿山 D.烟花爆炸 [多选题]淀粉测定是用( )将淀粉( )为( ),然后用费林溶液测定。
A.NaOH B.HCl C.分解 D.葡萄糖 [单项选择]
男,4岁。一向偏食,不吃鱼肉蛋,仅食蔬菜,近日发现面色渐苍白,不愿活动,时而腹泻,查体心肺正常,肝脏于肋下3cm触及,脾未及,血红蛋白60g/L,RBC2.90×1012/L。血涂片:红细胞大小不等,以小细胞为主,中心淡染区扩大 。 引起此病的主要原因是什么()A. 长期腹泻 B. 生长发育过快 C. 铁先天贮备不足 D. 铁摄入量不足 E. 患有慢性失血性疾病 [单选题]‐年版港币的视障标识位于票面正面的哪个位置( )。
A.左上角 B.右上角 C.左下角 D.右下角 [单选题]HPLC相位拓扑识别中,集中器可以周期性查询CCO中的从节点信息,将相应报文中的从节点()信息及零火线接线状态记录保存到本地数据库中。
A.电压 B.电流 C.相序 D.相位 [判断题]装备验收合格后,普通器材培训时间不少于2天。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响放射免疫测定的主要因素不包括()。
A. 抗原的纯度 B. 抗血清的亲和力和特异性 C. 结合的和游离的放射性物质的分离 D. 相关器材的精确性 E. 溶液体积 [单项选择]15个月男孩,近半年来常患鼻窦炎、中耳炎和肺炎,经检测患儿的血清IgG<2g/L,缺乏同族血凝素和接种白喉、破伤风、百日咳疫苗的抗体应答,血中测出自身抗体,诊断X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症(Bruton病)。下列哪项治疗最合适()
A. 定期静脉注射丙种球蛋白 B. 行胎肝移植 C. 长期肌内注射胸腺素 D. 口服左旋咪唑 E. 并发感染时用适当抗生素 [判断题]成套接地线应用有透明护套的多股软铜线和专用线夹组成,且高压接地线的截面积不得小于16mm2。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交