On March I, a reader’s letter published
in Lianhe Zaobao’s Forum page with the headline "Feedback from Readers Taken
Seriously" caught my eyes. The author cited a number of suggestions he made
which received{{U}} (67) {{/U}}responses from the authorities and quick
follow-up actions to back his observation. His own experiences{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}him to conclude that: "This is a good{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of the
democratic system at work in Singapore." Newspaper provides avenues for people
to air their views and these are taken seriously by the authority{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}act promptly to find solutions{{U}} (71) {{/U}}problems.
{{U}} (72) {{/U}}first glance, the letter appears only to affirm
the positive and effective communication between government departments and the
people.{{U}} (73) {{/U}}should not be overlooked, however, is that
underpin A. of B. to C. with D. about [不定项选择题]共用题干
Even Intelligent People Can Fail
1 The striking thing about the innovators who succeeded in making our modern world is how often they failed.Turn on a light,take a photograph,watch TV,search the Web,jet across the Pacific Ocean, talk on a celiphone(手机).The innovators who left us these things had to find the way to success through a maze(错综复杂)of wrong turns. 2 We have just celebrated the 125th anniversary of American innovator Thomas Edison's success in heating a thin line to white-hot heat for 14 hours in his lab in New Jersey,U.S. He did that on October 22,1879,and followed up a month later by keeping a thread of common cardboard alight(点亮着的)in an airless space for 45 hours.Three years later he went on to light up half a square mile of downtown Manhattan,even though only one of the six power plants in his design worked when he turned it on,on September 4,1882. 3 "Many of life's failures,"the supreme innovator said,"are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."Before that magical moment in October 1879,Edison had worked out no fewer than 3,000 theories about electric light,but in only two cases did his experiments work. 4 No one likes failure,but the smart innovators learn from it.Mark Gumz,the head of the camera maker Olympus America Inc,attributes some of the company's successes in technology to understanding failure.His popular phrase is:"You only fail when you quit." 5 Over two centuries,the most common quality of the innovators has been persistence. That is another way of saying they had the emotional ability to keep up what they were doing.Walt Disney,the founder of Disneyland,was so broke after a succession of financial failures that he was left shoeless in his office because he could not afford the U.S. $1.50 to get his shoes from the repair shop.Pioneering car maker Henry Ford failed with one company and was forced out of another before he developed the Model T car. 6 Failure is harder to bear in today's open,accelerated world.Hardly any innovation works the first time.But an impatient society and the media want instant success.When American music and movie master David Geffen had a difficult time,a critic said nastily that the only difference between Geffen Records(Geffen's company)and the Titanic(the ship that went down)was that the Titanic had better music.Actually,it wasn't.After four years of losses,Geffen had so many hits(成功的作品)he could afford a ship as big as the Titanic all to himself. Paragraph 3__________ A.Importance of learning from failure B.Quality shared by most innovators C.Edison's innovation D.Edison's comment on failure E.Contributions made by innovators F.Miseries endured by innovators [单项选择]下列关于城市综合交通规划的表述,错误的是( )。
A. 城市综合交通规划可以脱离土地使用规划单独进行编制 B. 城市综合交通规划内容包括城市对外交通和城市交通的衔接关系 C. 城市综合交通规划需要处理好对外交通与城市交通的衔接关系 D. 城市综合交通规划需要协调城市中各种交通方式之间的关系 [判断题]螺纹分线方法有轴向分线法、径向分线法和圆周分线法三类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]1.(1.★★★27、简述固定式液下喷射泡沫灭火系统的组成及工作原理。1.★★★
[多选题] 高楼发生火灾时,逃生自救的一般做法是( )。
A. 用湿毛巾、口罩捂住口鼻 B. 遇有浓烟时,应匍匐前进 C. 乘坐普通电梯快速撤离 D. 沿不易倒塌的承重墙逃生 E. 披上用水浸湿的衣被,从楼上快速冲下 [单项选择]观察产程主要看()
A. 产妇一般情况 B. 宫颈扩张及胎头下降情况 C. 胎儿 D. 胎位 E. 羊水有无变浑浊 [单选题]167、现场安全布控参照《道路交通事故现场安全防护规范第1部分:高速公路》(GA/T 1044.1—2012)执行。要按照“()”的原则摆放警示标志,确保预警标志、现场警示标志(移动声光报警设备)以及反光锥、车辆拦阻装置等安全标志按规定摆放。
A.A、“面对来车方向,由近及远” B.B、“面对去车方向,由近及远” C.C、“面对去车方向、由远及近” D.D、“面对来车方向、由远及近” [判断题]高温场所不宜用聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牵引电机设计最高转速( )。
A.3121 B.3638 C.4095 D.4123 [多选题]根据《东京公约》的规定,缔约国在接受机长移交的劫持航空器行为人后,可以在什么时间内采取拘留和其他措施( )。
A.为进行刑事追诉必要期间内 B.为进行引渡罪犯必要期间内 C.查明事实之前都可以 D.定罪之前都可以 [单项选择]( )是通过现代电子仪器,将个体在通常情况下不能意识到的体内生理功能予以描记,并转换为数据、图形或声、光等反馈信号,让求助者根据反馈信号的变化了解并学习调节自己体内不随意的内脏机能。
A. 放松训练 B. 生物反馈法 C. 医学理疗 D. 生物理疗法 [单选题]浮球式液位计所测液位越高,则浮球所受浮力()。
A.越大 B.越小 C.不变 [多选题]涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私的执法执勤记录信息,应 当严格按照保密工作的( )和( )进行管理。
A.有关规定 B.规章制度 C.权限 D.要求 [单项选择]《城市排水工程规划规范》(GB 50318—2000)规定,新建城市、扩建新区、新开发区或旧城改造地区的排水体制应采用( )。
A. 分流制 B. 不完全分流制 C. 截流式合流制 D. 直排式合流制 [单选题]分公司变更许可经营范围,下列哪一项不是必须提交的材料?( )
A.公司营业执照副本复印件 B.新的批准文件或者加盖公司印章的许可证书复印件或许可证明 C.公司章程 D.分公司营业执照副本 [多项选择]张某、王某与李某三人签订合伙协议,设立了甲合伙企业,约定张某用现金5万元出资,王某用专利权出资,作价10万元,李某用劳务出资,作价5万元。张某、王某、李某的利润分配比例是2:1:1,未约定亏损负担比例和合伙企业经营期限。企业成立后,王某由于要出国定居,将合伙份额转让给朱某,张某由于车祸死亡,根据张某的遗嘱,张某之子 10岁的张小果是张某的继承人,张某之妻周某是张小果的法定监护人。根据以上情况,回答下列问题:(1)对于王某的专利权出资和李某的劳务出资,以下说法正确的是:( )
A. 必须经法定评估机构评估作价,不得高估或者低估 B. 必须经张某、王某与李某三人共同委托的法定评估机构评估作价 C. 均可以由张某、王某与李某三人共同协商作价 D. 专利权必须经法定评估机构评估作价,劳务可以由三人共同协商作价 [判断题]上道作业人员工作前应充分休息,不得饮酒,严格执行规章制度,遵守两纪,作业中注意瞭望,及时下道避车,确保行车和人身安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于楼层火灾救人操的训练要求与注意事项的是()
A. 参训人员防护装备齐全,并携带通信器材 B. 救人过程中2支水枪交叉进行掩护、掩护距离不限 C. 人员救出后要立即进行急救或交给医务人员 D. 救人过程中2支水枪进行掩护、掩护距离不超过3米 [单选题]各岗位安全环保履职考核的项 目,应按照年度 HSE 目标指标和( ),逐层 分解而设置。
A.HSE 职责和岗位职责 B.风险评估结果 C.全年工作任务 D.年度工作计划安排 [多项选择]下列那些票据丧失,可以由失票人通知付款人或者代理付款人挂失止付()。
A. 现金支票 B. 填明“现金”字样和代理付款人的银行汇票 C. 已承兑的商业汇票 D. 未填明代理付款人的银行汇票 E. 填明“现金”字样的银行本票 [多项选择]车辆的主要尺寸参数包括()
A. 总长 B. 总宽 C. 总高 D. 轴距 [判断题]NR的DC双连接只存在于核心网为EPC的架构中
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]风险点可以是一个区域,在进行区域的危险源辨识时应采用工作危害分析法(JHA法)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]沿建筑物的外墙敷设的通气管口应高出建筑物顶面1.5m
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于Applet的说法,正确的是
A. 它们能读写用户的文件系统 B. 它们能与提供包含小程序的网页的站点之内的Internet站点联系 C. 它们能在阅读者的系统上运行任何程序 D. 它们能加载存储在用户系统.亡的程序 [判断题]在闸门上工作,应严格遵守高处作业有关规定,启闭中的闸门上可以站人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]白细胞能量的主要来源是
A.有氧氧化 B.磷酸戊糖途径 C.糖异生 D.糖酵解 E.糖原合成 [单选题]关于沥青混合料路面透层油与粘层油施工安全技术交底的内容,下列说法正确的( )。
A.现场需明火熬制沥青时,应编制专项安全技术措施,并经项目经理批准 B.沥青混合料运输道路应坚实、平整,宽度不宜小于1.5m C.沥青试喷时,前方5m内不得有人 D.油管装载不满时,应始终保持中速行驶 我来回答: 提交