International ocean shipping
constitutes a highly significant aspect of world economic and political
relationships. The rapid growth in world trade and the emergence of new national
entities in the last 30 years have further emphasized the role of international
shipping. Because of the generally free environment in which it has operated,
the industry is highly mobile and flexible—characteristics that, together with
technological progress, have facilitated the rapid growth in world
trade. In recent years, however, there have been several technological and institutional developments that are likely to have major efforts on the industry. One of the latter is the aggregation of conventions and practices known as the Law of the Sea, which has been discussed in the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea since 1958. The third A. countries involved B. climate shift C. changes in the Law of Sea D. industrial environment [单选题]热继电器主要起( )的作用。
A.过载保护 B.短路保护 C.失压保护 D.漏电保护 [单选题]在低压侧母线上装设电容器,容量按配电变压器容量(____)考虑。
A. 10%~20% B. 10%~30% C. 20%~40% D. 20%~30% [单选题]在施工质量处理过程中,按照施工验收规范和相关的质量标准,并结合实际量测、试验和检测等方法,评价质量事故的处理是否达到预期目的,是否依然存在隐患属于()。
A.事故处理的鉴定验收 B.制定事故处理方案 C.事故处理 D.事故原因分析 [单选题]联锁机中I/OBUS2板的扩展名是什么( )
A.A B.B C.C D.D [简答题]为什么在三相四线制线路中零线截面积应合理选取?取多大为宜?
A. 渊远流长、万丈深渊、源源不断 B. 黄粱美梦、刺骨悬粱、梁上君子 C. 草菅人命、盖棺论定、管中窥豹 D. 汗流夹背、变本加厉、走头无路 [单项选择]胡某因涉嫌盗窃罪被人民检察院依法提起公诉,下列有关审判执行程序不符合刑事诉讼法相关规定的是:
A. 如果第一审人民法院判决胡某免除刑事责任,如果胡某在押,则应当在宣判后立即释放胡某 B. 如果第二审人民法院判决胡某6个月拘役,则应当由公安机关执行 C. 如果第一审人民法院判决胡某有期徒刑1年,则应当立即将胡某交付监狱执行 D. 如果第二审人民法院判决胡某有期徒刑1年,而交付执行之前已经羁押1个月了,应当由看守所代为执行 [单选题]保护接地的作用是(____)。
A.满足电力系统正常运行的需要 B.防止静电危险 C.防止危及人身和设备安全 D.保证保护装置的正常运行 [名词解释]混凝土的基准配合比
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1551 发生高压设备、导线接地故障时,在室外人体不得接近接地故障点( )以内。
A.4m B.8m C.10m 我来回答: 提交