September 11 should have driven home a basic lesson for the Bush administration about life in an interconnected world: misery abroad threatens security at home. It is no coincidence that Osama Bin Laden found warm hospitality in the Taliban’s Afghanistan, whose citizens were among the most impoverished and oppressed on earth. If the administration took this lesson seriously, it would dump the rules of realpolitik that have governed U.S. foreign aid policy for 50 years. Instead, it is pouring money into an ally of convenience, Pakistan, which is ultimately likely to expand the ranks of anti-American terrorists abroad.
To enlist Pakistan in the fight against the Taliban, the Bush administration resurrected the Cold War tradition of propping up despotic military regimes in the name of peace and freedom. Its commitment of billions of dollars to Pakistan since September 11 will further entrench the sort of government that has made Pakistan both a development failure and
A. realpolitik has a long history in U.S. foreign aid policy
B. in the Cold War, the U.S. supported some military regimes in Asia
C. the Pakistan government has intensified the tension in South Asia
D. the Pakistan government won’t spend foreign aid on developing nuclear weapons in future
If you live in a city in North America
or Europe, you have probably never thought much about water. Whenever you need
some, you turn on the tap and there it is. Millions of people in other parts of
the world are not so lucky. They have trouble getting enough clean water for
their basic needs. This situation may soon become common all around the world,
scientists believe. In fact, they say that the lack of clean water may be one of
the biggest issues in the twenty-first century. The reasons for this are clear. On the one hand. people are using more water than ever before. Over the last fifty years, the population of the world has more than doubled. On the other hand, many sources of surface water such as rivers, lakes, and streams are too polluted and unhealthy for use as drinking water. This has forced more and mor A. A.clean water is no longer available for people in Europe B.there will always be enough water for everyone C.the water problem will soon be resolved in the twenty-first century D.many more people may soon. be without clean water [判断题]税务机关必须对纳税人投诉的具体事项进行实地核查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]BOT融资对于政府来说具有很大的吸引力,以下说法中错误的是( )。
A. 提高政府财政预算对于项目的影响 B. 将私营企业的经营机制引入基础设施建设中,提高基础设施项目的建设和经营效率 C. 吸引外资,引进新技术,改善和提高项目的管理水平 D. 作为特许权授予者的公共部门能够将项目的建设、融资、经营风险转移给私人部门,增强公共部门的稳定性 [单选题]对平时无水的河道,必须清理桥涵附近的淤泥杂物和阻碍水流的杂草,清除上下游至少各约 ( )范围内的灌木丛,使洪水能正常通过。
A.20m B.25m C.30m D.35m [单选题]消防指战员参加抢险救援战斗时,应根据灾害事故性质和危险特性,严格按照等级防护要求落实防护措施。进入危险化学品泄漏区域,应按照区域划分及危害特性进行针对性防护。进入易燃易爆区域,应着防静电服、防静电内衣、袜子和手套,( )着防爆服等特种防护装备。
A.必须 B.视情 C.严禁 D.选择性 [单项选择]行政赔偿义务机关应当自收到申请之日起( )内依法予以赔偿。
A. 两个月 B. 3个月 C. 6个月 D. 1年 我来回答: 提交