The age of gilded youth is over.
Today’s under-thirties are the first generation for a century who can expect a
lower living standard than their parents. Research into the lifestyles and prospects of people who were bona since 1970 shows that they are likely to face a lifetime of longer working hours, lower job security and higher taxes than the previous generation. When they leave work late in the evening, they will be more likely to return to a small rented fiat than to a house of their own. When, eventually, they retire, their pensions are far lower in real terms than those of their immediate forebears. These findings are revealed in a study of the way the ageing of Britain’s population is affecting different generations. Anthea Tinker, professor of social gerontology (老人学) at King’s College London, A. today’s under-thirties are leading a miserable life in Britain B. Laura Lenox-Conyngham’s attitude to work and life represents that of many young professionals in Britain C. life can get harder for under-thirties in Britain D. elders enjoy extremely high living standards in Britain [单选题] 《消防救援队伍作战训练安全行动手册(试行)》规定,消防站常态开展安全行动专项训练,训练时间每()不少于1课时。
A.季度 B.月 C.周 D.天 [单选题]娱乐场所火灾扑救应坚持____的原则,灭火和救人同步进行。
A.以固为主、固移结合 B.先控制、后消灭 C.攻防并举、准确迅速 D.冷却保护、防止爆炸 [单选题]下列
A.射线 B.超声波 C.声发射 D.电磁 [多项选择]违法事实清楚,证据确凿、充分,程序合法,但有下列情形之一的,法律部门应当签署审查纠正意见后,退回监督检查部门()。
A. 定性不准 B. 适用法律、行政法规、规章错误。 C. 处罚种类或幅度不当的 D. 证据不足、程序不合规 [多选题]在清理( )现场时,必须检查窨井、暗沟、低洼处等有无残留物。必要时,进行冲洗,并注意水流方向。
A.可燃液(气)体 B.有毒物品泄漏 C.民房火灾 D.车辆失火 [判断题]现场人员必须穿公司统一配置的全棉长袖、蓝色牛仔材质工作服及绝缘鞋,各单位自购其样式、颜色必须与公司统一,特殊工种或特殊作业人员必须穿与工作相适用的工作服。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( ),世界进入帝国主义和无产阶级革命时代。
A.18世纪末19世纪初 B.19世纪末20世纪初 C.18世纪中叶 D.19世纪中叶 [多选题]国家实行审计监督制度。为加**家的审计监督,全国人大常委会于1994年通过了《审计法》,并于2006年进行了修正。关于审计监督制度,下列哪些理解是正确的?( )(2016年)
A.《审计法》的制定与执行是在实施宪法的相关规定 B.地方各级审计机关对本级人大常委会和上一级审计机关负责 C.国务院各部门和地方各级政府的财政收支应当依法接受审计监督 D.国有的金融机构和企业事业组织的财务收支应当依法接受审计监督 [单选题]室内高压设备的隔离室设有遮栏,遮栏的高度在()以上,安装牢固并加锁者。
A.A.1.7m B.B.1.8m C.C.1.9m D.D.2.0m E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]( )1212.
A.461° B.281° C.20° D.101° [填空题]定向钻进测斜井段一般控制测斜间距是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]断续焊接握法:适用于大焊件间断供锡。
[单选题]制作香草烤羊排的原料有( )。
A.牛基础汤 B.香草少司 C.奶油少司 D.羊后腿肉 我来回答: 提交