In an interview last month, Frank
Church, chairman of the Senate committee that is investigating the CIA, issued
an oblique but impassioned warning, that the technology of eavesdropping had
become so highly developed that Americans might soon be left with "no place to
hide". That day may have arrived. Newsweek has learned that the country’s most
secret intelligence operation, the National Security Agency, already possesses
the computerized equipment to monitor nearly all overseas telephone calls and
most domestic and international printed messages. The agency’s devices monitor thousands of telephone circuits, cable lines and the microwave transmissons that carry an increasing share of both spoken and written communications. Computers are programed to watch for "trigger" words or phrases indicating that a message might interest in A. indirect but enthusiastic B. direct but passionate C. ambiguous but calm D. definite but indifferent [多选题]使用钢筋弯曲机弯曲长度为()mm的短钢筋时,要防止钢筋弹出伤人。(1.0分)
A.250.0 B.350.0 C.450.0 D.550.0 [多选题]《电能替代项目参与电力直接交易工作的指导意见(试行)》,在执行过程中应遵循以下哪些工作原则( )
A.积极推动 B.因地制宜 C.拓展增量 D.服务优先 E.注重效益 [多项选择]建立实施质量管理体系一般包括()等。
A. 确定顾客期望 B. 建立质量目标和方针 C. 确定实现目标的过程和职责 D. 确定必须提供的资源 E. 制定质量实施管理有效方案 [判断题]乘客信息系统控制中心接口服务器离线会影响车站综合监控平台发布本站紧急信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]热点AP在使用PoE供电时,建议采用()。
A.3类线 B.5类线 C.6类线 D.7类线 [多选题]商业银行可以从( )维度对贷款组合进行结构分析,有效监测信用组合风险。
A.第一 B.第二 C.第三 D.第四 E.第五 [单项选择]由于选择的基期不同,增长量的分类不包括()。
A. 年距增长量 B. 逐期增长量 C. 平均增长量 D. 累计增长量 [多选题]甲到银行自动取款机取款后忘记退卡,银行工作人员乙发现后从该卡取出5000元,并将卡中剩余的2万元转入自己的信用卡。对乙的行为的定性,下列哪些选项是错误的?()
A.乙的行为构成盗窃罪 B.乙的行为构成侵占罪 C.乙的行为构成职务侵占罪 D.乙的行为构成信用卡诈骗罪 我来回答: 提交