One of the most powerful tools ever developed is the P. C., the personal computer. One of the companies important to the history of the P. C. is Apple Computer. Apple is based in Cupertino, California. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs started-the company in nineteen-seventy-six. Mister Wozniak designed an early personal computer, the Apple One. At that time, people who wanted to work with computers often built their own, or used larger systems. Early personal computers had limited uses. Users had to write commands. This was true of the Apple One. But other Apple computers operated with a system known as a graphical user interface. Users chose from little pictures called icons.
Researchers at Xerox designed such a system. But Apple was the first to make it popular. Today most personal computers use icons. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs tried to sell their ideas to other companies. They were rejected. But soon they found investors. Apple began to sell shares to the public in nine
A. nearly thirty years
B. more than forty years
C. only over ten years
D. more than one hundred years
Fate has not been kind to the western
grey whale. Its numbers have dwindled to 130 or so, leaving it “critically
endangered” in the eyes of the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature. Fishing-nets, speeding ships, pollution and coastal development threaten
the few that remain. Most recently, drilling for oil and gas in their main
summer feeding grounds, near Sakhalin island off Russia’s Pacific coast, has
brought fresh risks for the luckless creatures. Yet the rush to develop
Sakhalin’s offshore fields may yet be the saviour of the species. When drilling was first discussed in the 1990s, there were muted complaints. When a consortium called Sakhalin. Energy, led by Royal Dutch Shell, announced plans to build an oil platform and lay pipelines in the only bay where the whales were known to congregate, these protests prolife A. the number of the whales is rising slowly by a small percentage. B. greater scrutiny of the whale population explains the growing number. C. the whales are in an irrevocable decline despite all their efforts. D. the whales have other summer habitats besides Sakhalin’s offshore. [简答题]惩防体系建设是什么?
[多选题]全党要更加自觉地增强( ),既不走封闭僵化的老路,也不走改旗易帜的邪路,保持政治定力,坚持实干兴邦,始终坚持和发展中国特色社会主义。
A..道路自信 B..理论自信 C..制度自信 D..文化自信 E..思想自信 [单选题]醋酸阿比特龙片(泽珂)发生率最高的不良反应是( )
A.高血压 B.低钾血症 C.外周水肿 D.尿路感染 [单选题]"在瓦斯检定器中使用除CO2药品为()
A.钠石灰 B.氯化钙 C.氢氧化钙" [单项选择]影响抗原抗体反应的因素中,反应物自身因素不包括()。
A. 抗体的质量 B. 抗原的理化性质 C. 抗体等价带的宽窄 D. 抗原的浓度 E. 反应体系的酸碱度 [单选题]邻近营业线挖掘基坑和挖(钻)孔桩、开挖电缆沟、开挖水沟、开挖顶管、框构基坑、框构、涵洞接长、埋设接地线(极)、支柱基础浇制等施工列为( )类施工。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]各级人民政府应当加强对政府信息公开工作的哪种领导?
A.思想领导 B.行为领导 C.组织领导 D.政治领导 [单选题]气质类型( )
A.有好有坏 B.都是好的 C.都是坏的 D.无好坏之分 [判断题]梯车作业时操作人员所用的零件、工具等均不得放置在工作台面上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]雄配子发生过程中具备的特点是
A.精细胞内的高尔基体经变化形成一个顶体泡 B.精细胞内的溶酶体特化形成一个顶体 C.精细胞内DNA与组蛋白结合,可使精子具有受精能力 D.精子由头部和尾部组成 E.精子的外形主要有细胞核、顶体构成 [判断题]( ) 扳道员参加接发列车时,其立岗接车位置在行车室一侧,便于监视列车运行的地点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which command reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?()
A. show reload B. show boot C. show running-config D. show version [单项选择]This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most ______ boxer in England.
A. renowned B. noted C. celebrated D. eminent [简答题]隧道检査包括洞顶<--NRC-->及洞身三个部分。
[简答题]请你写出在第二张幻灯片中插入一个动画文件(d:/ hudie.swf)的操作步骤?
A. 发作性喘息 B. 夜间阵发性呼吸困难 C. 突发严重呼吸困难 D. 进行性加重的呼吸困难 E. 劳力性呼吸困难 [单项选择]与广域网相比,局域网具有下列哪些特征
A. 有效性好,可靠性好 B. 有效性好,可靠性差 C. 有效性差,可靠性好 D. 有效性差,可靠性差 [判断题]《职业病防治法》规定劳动者享有了解工作场所产生或者可能产生的职业病危害因素、危害后果和应当采取的职业病防护措施的权利。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为满足集中控制的要求,集中控制系统应具备的功能有哪些?
[单选题]*用络合滴定法测定水中的硬度时,PH值应控制在( )左右。
A.6 B.8 C.10 D.12 [单项选择]鹰2000火/气探测系统所有检测点通过DCS或PLC编址,最大编址数为()个
A. 64 B. 128 C. 256 D. 512 [单项选择]老年男性,脑梗死后右侧肢体瘫痪,查体:右下肢能抗重力和一定的阻力。按Lovett分级法评定标准应为()
A. 0级 B. 1级 C. 2级 D. 3级 E. 4级 [单选题]在轨道电路区段进行天窗点外作业时,取放工具、抬运金属料具时,( )搭接两股钢轨、绝缘接头、引入线或轨距杆。
A.不得 B.应该 C.可以 D.必须 [判断题]可燃气体报警控制器与探测器之间的连线断路或短路时,控制器应在100s发出故障信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交