Table Manners{{/B}} A Westerner doesn’t leave his napkin (paper or cloth) on the table. He puts it on his lap where it’s supposed to protect his clothes from spilled food or used to wipe his hands or mouth when necessary. A Westerner doesn’t put his own utensils (fork, knife, spoon) into a serving bowl. He uses the utensil in the bowl (generally a large spoon or fork) to put some of the food on his own plate, and then returns the serving utensil to the bowl. A Westerner doesn’t spit food anywhere. If he has bones in his mouth, he takes them out with his fingers and places them on the edge of his plate, never on the table. A Westerner doesn’t drink soup or other liquids out of a bowl. He uses a spoon. A Westerner doesn’t reach across the table or in front A. In a plate. B. on the floor C. In an ash tray. D. On a table top. [判断题]关阀堵漏编组一般为2至4人,必须在工艺处置队,或厂方技术人员指导配合下进行,全程实施喷雾水掩护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]男性中度心衰患者,服用甲、乙两药厂生产的地高辛片剂(0.25mg)后,疗效相差较大。连服甲厂地高辛20天后,实测血药浓度为0.69ng/ml,绝对生物利用度(F)为30%。下列关于缓、控释制剂的说法正确的有哪些()
A. 药理活性强者不宜制成缓、控释制剂 B. 抗生素若制成缓、控释制剂,可延缓细菌的耐药性 C. 口服缓、控释制剂应充分考虑消化道的pH对其稳定性的影响 D. 缓、控释制剂的剂量一般为普通制剂的1/5-1/4 E. 缓、控释制剂的释放度测定不应低于5个时间点 F. 必须选用单次给药和多次给药的方式研究,才可全面评价缓、控释制剂的药物动力学 [单选题] 《水利部关于进一步加强水利安全生产应急管理提高生产安全事故应急处置能力的通知》要求,水利建设项目法人和生产经营单位要按照()的原则,确实做好事故应急管理和处置工作。
A.条块结合属地为主科学施救 B.尊重科学,实事求是 C.以人为本安全第一生命至上 D.管行业必须管安全,管业务必须管安全 [单选题]360.对于同时开通卡捷贷和绑定收款方账号的自助额度不得超过()万元。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.500 [单项选择]第一次卫生革命的对象是
A. 非传染性疾病 B. 社会病 C. 慢性传染病 D. 寄生虫病 E. 急、慢传染病和寄生虫病 [简答题]SCSI软接口是指什么?
A. 提高科技人员工资收入 B. 促进科技成果转化 C. 提高科技研发能力 D. 加快科研院所转制 我来回答: 提交