In its everyday life, Italy is very
much the man’s world. However, because of the Italian’s understanding of
foreigners, the woman tourist is able to invade many of the male places that are
prohibited to Italian women. These places include the caffe and the wine
shop. In the large cities the caffe is a combination of club and office. Here, for the price of a coffee, an Italian can read all the newspapers brought to him. And he can transact business, with the waiter producing pen, ink, and stamps as needed. Or if he wants, he can sit outside under a canvas covering before the door and enjoy the sight of beautiful women passing by. The wine shop, as a rule, is a more vigorous place than the caffe, and is filled almost exclusively with men. Wandering singers, generally in groups of two or three, add to the noise of these places with their songs an A. (A) a very mischievous man B. (B) a very romantic man C. (C) a man who enjoys wine D. (D) a man who enjoys music [单项选择]对法律汇编与法典编纂之间区别的理解,可以有多种角度。下列哪一表述准确地揭示了二者之间的区别( )
A. 法律汇编既可以由个人进行,也可以由社会团体乃至国家机关进行;法典编纂只能由国家立法、执法和司法机关进行 B. 法律汇编是为了形成新的统一的规范性法律文件;法典编纂是将不同时代的法典汇编成册 C. 法律汇编可以按年代、发布机关及涉及社会关系内容的不同,适当地对汇编的法律进行改变;法典编纂不能改变原来法律规范的内容 D. 法律汇编不属于国家机关的立法活动;法典编纂是一种在清理已有立法文件基础上的立法活动 [单选题]动火作业尽可能地把动火( )压缩到最低限度。
A. 时间和范围 B. 时间和人员 C. 人员和范围 D. 时间、范围和人员 [多选题] 继电保护、配电自动化装置、安全自动装置及自动化监控系统做传动试验或一次通电或进行直流系统功能试验前,应( )后,方可进行。 (1.0分)
A. 通知运维人员 B. 通知有关人员 C. 通知工作票签发人 D. 指派专人到现场监视 [判断题]团结协作、顾全大局是铁路运输生产的特点决定的,是坚持集体主义的具体体现。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()每月定期向站长助理汇报票务工作,反映票务工作的真实情况,提出票务工作建议。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]求通过点(1,2,-1)且与直线垂直的平面方程.
A. 电子工业 B. 计算机工业 C. 原子能工业 D. 纺织工业 [判断题]感抗与频率成反比,频率越高,感抗越小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]快开门式压力容器运行期间发现安全附件失效,操作人员应立即采取紧急措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面不属于学前教育功能主要特征的是( )
A. 整合性 B. 客观性 C. 单一性 D. 方向性 [单项选择]支原体感染肺炎的疗程至少()
A. 1周 B. 2~3周 C. 咳嗽减轻后3天 D. 1个月 E. 热退7天 [填空题]叶片式泵与风机按转轴安装位置可以分为()两种。
[单选题]Scheiner盘有几个小孔( )。
A.半个 B.1个 C.2个 D.3个 [判断题]计算机是由硬件系统和软件系统两部分组成的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在1913—1917年间,对黑猩猩的问题解决行为进行了一系列的实验研究,从而提出了完形——顿悟说的是格式塔心理学家( )
A.考夫卡 B.托尔曼 C.班杜拉 D.苛勒 [填空题]Some students are not adequately prepared for college. Should we turn them away (46) them Or modify our product Americans must be (47) of their ability and responsibility to continue to learn throughout their working lives and, although I hesitate to repeat a point so (48) made by others, they must also be taught a body of basic skills. Our industry does our nation no service by (49) unprepared students or by turning out (50) graduates. These people must be taught. If they are not yet ready to learn the lessons we have pre pared, should we not (51) and expand those lessons Here is yet another argument for offering the new first degree. It would provide a legitimate program for students who are not yet prepared to go for the (52) degree.
As our industry grows in responsibility, (53) , and productivity, should we not change our production schedule (54) , yet we are no longer a na [单选题]若一张工作票下设多个小组工作,( )应指定每个小组的小组负责人(监护人),并使用工作任务单(见附录G)。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.专责监护人 [多项选择]Word中添加制表位时需要指定制表位的()
A. 位置 B. 名称 C. 前导符 D. 对齐方式 [单项选择]已婚女性,40岁。2年来常感下腹部隐痛不适,12小时前突发转移性右下腹痛,伴恶心、呕吐、发热,查右下腹明显压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张。血常规:WBC16×109/L,N0.88。尿常规(-)。患者此次发病与盆腔炎鉴别,最可靠的鉴别要点是()。
A. 间歇性下腹部隐痛不适 B. 恶心、呕吐、发热 C. 转移性右下腹痛及右下腹明显压痛、反跳痛 D. 血常规和尿常规检查 E. 月经生育史 [单项选择]A body weighs ______from the surface of the Earth.
A. less the farther it gets B. the farther it gets, the less C. less than it gets farther D. less than it, the farther it gets [单项选择]1938年7月成立的冀中回民教导总队,总队长是()。
A. 杨靖宇 B. 马本斋 C. 李兆麟 [判断题]遮断色灯信号机显示一个红色灯光表示不准列车越过该信号机。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《中华人民共和国国家安全法》的规定,下列关于情报信息说法正确的是( )。
A.国家机关各部门在履行职责过程中,对于获取的涉及国家安全的有关信息应当及时上报 B.建立情报信息工作协调机制,实现情报信息的及时收集、准确研判、有效使用和共享 C.情报信息的报送应当及时、准确、客观 D.以上都不对 我来回答: 提交