What is lean production Perhaps the best way to describe this innovative production system is to contrast it with craft production and mass production, the two other methods humans have devised to make things.
The craft producer uses highly skilled workers and simple but flexible tools to make exactly what the consumer asks for — one item at a time. Custom furniture, works of decorative art, and a few exotic cars provide current-day examples. We all love the idea of craft method — as automobiles once were exclusively — cost too much for most of us to afford. So mass production was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century as an alternative.
The mass-producer uses narrowly skilled professionals to design products made by unskilled or semiskilled workers tending expensive, single purpose machines. These churn out standardized products in very high volume. Because the machinery costs so much and it is so intolerant of disruption, the mass-
A. It used highly skilled workers.
B. It produced expensive goods.
C. It was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century.
D. It used flexible machines to make what the buyer asked for.
日 期 | 每期资产支出 | 累计资产支出 |
20×6年1月1日 | 1000 | 1000 |
20×6年7月1日 | 2000 | 3000 |
20×7年1月1日 | 3000 | 6000 [多选题]调整杆塔倾斜、弯曲、拉线受力不均时,应根据需要设置(),并应有专人统一指挥。
A.专责监护人 B.警示标志 C.临时拉线 D.临时拉线的调节范围 [单选题] 关于听证程序, 下列说法不正确的是?
A.当事人要求听证的, 应当在行政机关告知后五日内提出 B.行政机关应 当在举行听证的五日前, 通知当事人及有关人员听证的时间、 地点 C.除 涉及国家秘密、 商业秘密或者个人隐私依法予以保密外, 听证公开举行 D.当事人可以亲自参加听证, 也可以委托代理人参加 [单选题]安全孔直径不小于 ()mm,并在安全孔内设置爬梯,安全孔井盖应采用双层结构,材质应满足 载荷及环境要求,以及防盗、防水、防滑、防位移、防坠落等要求,同一地区的井盖尺寸、外观标 识等应保持一致。
A.A、600、 B.B、800、 C.C、1000、 D.D、1200 [单项选择]兴业银行私人银行部成立于(),是全行私人银行业务经营和管理部门
A. 2011年4月 B. 2012年4月 C. 2012年8月 D. 2011年8月 我来回答: 提交