钢梁安装时,对高强度螺栓连接有规定,下列选项中,属于其规定的有()。 The winter holiday season is the most
festive (欢乐的) time of the year. Students from elementary school through college
have about two weeks’ vacation , beginning shortly before Christmas and ending
soon after New Year’s Day. Many families go away for the holidays, but those who
stay home have fun, too. There are many parties to cel- ebrate the birth of
Christ and the arrival of the new year. The spirit of Christmas arrives about a month before the holiday itself. Late in November, street lights and store windows are decorated (装饰) with Christmas colours of red and green. Stores depend on Christmas shoppers for about one-fourth of their yearly sales. Christmas is expensive. To earn extra money for gifts, in December many Americans get part-time jobs. Many people make monthly bank deposits (存款)in special Christmas accounts A. government officials B. storekeepers C. teaehers D. secretaries [填空题]连铸坯切割方式有()和机械剪切两种方法。
[单选题]商业银行在个人理财业务中,超越客户的授权从事业务且没有经过客户追认的,其民事责任( )。
A.由客户承担,商业银行承担连带责任 B.完全由客户承担 C.由商业银行承担,客户承担连带责任 D.完全由商业银行承担 [判断题]管式炉分析碳时预热时间为10分钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压井管汇是( )中必不可少的组成部分
A.灌浆装置 B.固控装置 C.井控装置 D.循环系统 [多选题]存贷款的FTP利润与下列哪些因素有关()
A.存贷款规模 B.存贷款的对客利率 C.存贷款的结构 D.市场利率 [单项选择]关于C++主函数特性,下列叙述正确的是( )。
A. 主函数在同一个C++文件中可以有两个 B. 主函数类型必须是void 类型 C. 主函数一定有返回值 D. 每个C什程序都必须有一个main()函数 [单选题]安全电压值的规定是以人体通过的(____)(不超过安全电流)与人体电阻的乘积为依据。
A.电阻 B. 电压 C. 电流 D. 功率 [判断题]车辆管理所开展机动车查验业务时,应当设置查验业务岗、查验审核岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]12年欧洲杯担任乌克兰队队长,身披“7”号战袍的是哪位足球巨星?
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