Competition with research in
universities is very harmful to teaching. Therefore, it would be much more
beneficial to teaching to develop a sound program of educational research. Such
a program would improve teaching theory and technique. It would also make clear
what competencies are required of a good teacher as well as help professors
attain them. Educational research should be required to meet the same standards as scientific research, but it cannot be raised to those standards A. does not have the same standards with competent scientific research B. is a part-time activity of education C. should have standards which require different duties D. produces the same influence with scientific research [填空题]路票应由车站值班员或<--NRC-->填写。
[多选题] 下列关于近代警察管理体制的表述,理解错误的有:
A.近代警察管理体制的形成受美、法两国警察制度的影响 B.世界各国警察管理体制主要有地方自治制、中央集权制、地方自治制与中央集权制 C.地方自治以英国为代表 D.中央集权制以美国为代表 [判断题]离岸客户可以开通网银编号模式网银。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
A.architeet [单选题]具有通泄、燥湿、坚阴作用的是
A.酸味 B.辛味 C.苦味 D.甘味 E.成味 [单项选择]设计合同示范文本规定,发包人逾期支付设计费( )以上时,设计人可暂停下阶段工作,并通知发包人。
A. 15日 B. 30日 C. 60日 D. 120日 [判断题]可用绝缘电阻测试仪检查隔离开关二次回路接线是否正确。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据江西省高速集团收费员星级考评办法(2020年修订)要求,五星级收费员星级津贴为多少元?
A.300 B.400 C.500 D.600 [多项选择]中国自己创作的音乐剧有()。
A. 《香格里那》 B. 《音乐人》 C. 《日出》 D. 《魔棍》 [判断题]金融机构为个人客户开存款账户,办理结算的,应当要求其出示本人身份证件,不进行核对,但得登记证件的姓名和号码。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于产生片重差异超限的原因是()
A. 颗粒流动性好 B. 冲头与模孔吻合性不好 C. 加料斗内的颗粒时多时少 D. 颗粒内的细粉太少 E. 颗粒的大小相差悬殊 我来回答: 提交