Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully (1) only among people he knows well.
In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, (2) embarrassed. You have only to (3) a com muter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this.
Serious - looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most usual. (4) , there is here an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, (5) broken, makes the person immediately the object of (6) .
It is a well - known fact that the English have a (7) for the discussion of their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it (8) . Some people argue that it is because English weather (9) forecast and hence is a source of interest and (10) to everyone.
This may be so. (11) Englishmen c
A. prepositions
B. predictions
C. approval
D. defiance
When Columbus reached the New World,
com was the most widely grown plant in the Americas. This plant’s range extended
from what is now southern Canada to lower South America. At that time some
tribes cultivated it at sea level, others at elevation(海拔高度) of more than 11 000
feet. "Columbus had no way of knowing that corn was far more valuable than the spices(香料) and gold he had hoped to find." said Frances B. King, a professor at a university of Pittsburgh. Through human intervention, this plant has developed into several hundred races, or varieties. Their heights vary from 2 to 12 feet, and their maturity ranges from little more than 2 months to almost a year. Their ears vary not only in color, but also in size. Unlike other cereals(谷类), corn bears little resemblance to its wild ancestors. In fact, it differs from the ap A. was mainly grown at sea level B. was not grown below the elevation of 11 000 feet C. was widely grown in Canada only D. spread throughout Americas [单选题]我党决定建立社会主义市场经济体制是在( )。
A.党的十五大 B.党的十四大 C.党的十三大 D.党的十六大 [判断题]()在设备管理中要求设备润滑“五定”中的“定时”是指定时加油,并不要求定期换油。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]综合布线系统包括(),以及与电话系统之间的连接构成
A. 配线子系统 B. 干线子系统 C. 工作区子系统 D. 管理区子系统 E. 支线子系统 [单项选择]
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time (36) an old woman who lived (37) . [单选题]经营个人征信业务的征信机构、金融信用信息基础数据库、向金融信用信息基础数据库提供或者查询信息的机构发生重大信息泄露等事件的,国务院征信业监督管理部门可以采取( )相关信息系统等必要措施,避免损害扩大。
A.强制监管 B.临时接管 C.暂停使用 D.停止运行 [单选题]云计算的核心理念是通过不断提高“云”的处理能力,进而()用户终端的处理负担,最终使用户终端简化成单纯的输入输出设备,并能按需享受“云”的强大计算能力。
A.增强 B.提高 C.增加 D.减少 [判断题]电容器室内要有良好的天然采光。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]规划咨询就是( )地区和行业的投资规划,包括发展目标、投资政策、产业结构、规模布局等。
A. 重点评价 B. 重点研究 C. 重点跟踪 D. 重点规划 [单选题]出站信号机兼作调车信号机显示一个月白色灯光,表示准许出站调车。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [填空题]针对原油物性的影响,可以采取向套管内加入()化学药剂的方法,达到提高系统效率的目的。
A. 尘源性支气管炎 B. 职业性变态反应性肺泡炎 C. 棉尘病 D. 石棉肺 E. 职业性哮喘 [判断题]由综采液压支架支护的工作面泵站压力应大于或等于30MPA。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]经济全球化带给发达国家的好处很多,但不包括( )
A.降低其生产成本 B.从世界各地获取大量的利润 C.扩大了贸易逆差 D.加强对国际金融市场的控制 [单项选择]应当先履行合同的一方虽然有确切证据证明对方有( )情形的,但仍不能中止履行自己的债务。
A. 经营状况严重恶化,但对方承诺按时履行债务 B. 转移财产、抽逃资金,以逃避债务 C. 丧失商业信誉 D. 有丧失或者可能丧失履行债务能力的其他情形,但对方提供适当的担保 [判断题]信用证及其修改可以通过通知行通知受益人。除非已对信用证加具保兑,通知行通知信用证不构成兑付或议付的承诺。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]极母线上避雷器绝缘子发生污闪不会造成极母线差动保护动作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]可与火灾自动报警系统联动的相关设备有( )。
A. 自动灭火系统 B. 室内消防栓系统 C. 防排烟系统 D. 通风系统 E. 防火卷帘 [单选题]《配电安规》在35kV带电设备附近立、撤杆塔,杆塔、拉线、临时拉线、起重设备、起重绳索应与带电线路、设备保持的最小安全距离为( )m。
A.A-3 B.B-4 C.C-5 D.D-6 [判断题]道床应保均匀和整齐并根据道床不洁程度有计划的进行清筛,保持道床清洁和排水良好( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交