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Europe is desperate to succeed in business. Two years ago, the European Union’s Lisbon summit set a goal of becoming the world’s leading economy by 2010. But success, as any new-age executive coach might tell you, requires confronting the fear of failure. That is why Europe’s approach to bankruptcy urgently needs reform.
In Europe, as in the United States, many heavily indebted companies are shutting up shop just as the economy begins to recover. Ironically, the upturn is often the moment when weak firms finally fail. But America’s failures have a big advantage over Europe’s weaklings: their country’s more relaxed approach to bankruptcy.
In the United States the Chapter 11 law makes going bust an orderly and even routine process. Firms in trouble simply apply for breathing space from creditors. Managers submit a plan of reorganization to a judge, and creditors decide whether to give it a go or to come up wi
A. to have access to more relaxed approach to bankruptcy.
B. to submit a plan of reorganization to a judge on request.
C. to negotiate with their creditors when going bankrupt.
D. to sell assets to others who might manage them efficiently.
Business communication{{/B}} One of the most important features in any business is communication. Good communications are required at all stages of the business process. Businesses employ, and are owned and run by, various groups of people. Workers, directors and shareholders are three important groups closely{{U}} (21) {{/U}}with a business. Other influential groups include customers, suppliers and the government. Communication{{U}} (22) {{/U}}between these groups and the individuals who make up the groups. Within{{U}} (23) {{/U}}companies internal co A. grow B. mount C. gain D. improve [判断题]气体灭火系统防护区应有能在60s内使该区域人员疏散完毕的走道与出口。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者,男性,28岁。施工时不慎从4米高处跌下,半小时后被送入急诊室。体检:血压4/2kPa(30/15mmHg),神清、气促、面色苍白、四肢发凉、脉细弱,左侧胸压痛明显,胸廓塌陷、有骨擦感及反常呼吸征,左胸有一2cm×2.5cm创口,可听到气体出入创口响声,左侧呼吸音消失,右侧呼吸音减低该伤员确诊为肺挫伤,下列什么措施是合理的()。
A. 尽快补充胶体液(以白蛋白为主) B. 应用大量激素 C. 加强抗生素 D. 应用呼吸机时使用PEEP E. 定期使用两种以上呼吸兴奋剂 F. 定期肺灌洗,清除血块及分泌物 [多选题] 关于个贷业务贷后常规检查, 以下说法正确的是( )。
A.贷后检查分为常规检查和专项检查两种 B.常规检查以管理行为主 C.专项检查以管理行为主 D.对于一次性还本的经营类贷款至少每半年检查一次 [填空题]我国国家环保局于()年宣布实行环境标志制度。
[单项选择]为增强访问网页的安全性,可以采用(18) 协议;为证明数据发送者的身份与数据的真实性需采用(19) 。
A. 散列算法 B. 时间戳 C. 数字签名 D. 加密算法 [简答题]什么是补偿性财政政策?
A. 解痉(硫酸镁) B. 降压(肼屈嗪) C. 利尿(呋塞米) D. 扩容(右旋糖酐) E. 终止妊娠 [判断题]( )用正弦规检验锥度时,应将量块、正弦规、工件放置在检验平板上。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]婴儿智能测查的项目包括()
A. 大运动 B. 语言 C. 认知能力 D. 情绪与社会行为 E. 精细运功 [单选题]下列组织中属于国家行政机关的是( )。
A.全国人大 B.各级人民政府 C.人民法院 D.社会团体 [多选题]鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界马家沟组地层从下至上通常分为马一~马六6个段,其中主要发育白云岩的有( )
A.马一 B.马二 C.马三 D.马四 E.马五 F.马六 [判断题]个人保安线装设时,应先接导线端,后接接地端,且接触良好,连接可靠。拆个人保安线的顺序与此相反。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高处作业必须设有专人监护,每个监护人的监护范围不超过 m,监护人安全等级不低于 级。
A.2 B.10 C.三 D.四 [多项选择]砌碹支护分为()
A. 现浇砼支护 B. 钢筋砼支护 C. U型钢架支护 D. 料石砌碹 E. 砼砖砌碹 [单选题]地图数据加载的方式( )。
A.插卡式 B.编程式 C.注入式 D.传输式 [单选题]患者自主循环恢复后,为维持动脉压,最有效的常用药( )
A.多巴胺 B.多巴酚丁胺 C.硝酸甘油 D.阿托品 E.异丙肾上腺素 [单项选择]水压驱可分为()两种。
A. 弹性水压驱动和气压驱动 B. 刚性水压驱动和气压驱动 C. 弹性水压驱动和刚性水压驱动 D. 溶解气驱动和重力驱动 [单选题]生产经营单位对重大危险源应当登记建档,进行定期检测、评估、监控,并制定应急预案,告知从业人员和相关人员在紧急情况下应当( )。
A.采取的应急措施 B.减小损失 C.保护生命 D.及时报告有关部门 [判断题]客运服务人员对旅客、货主统一称呼时为“各位旅客、各位货主”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]职业病危害因素侵入人体的途径有()。
A. 呼吸道 B. 皮肤 C. 消化道 D. 呼吸道、皮肤和消化道 [单项选择]在城市规划区内,只需在下列哪些地区编制控制性详细规划( )
A. 历史文化保护区 B. 设计发展的所有地区 C. 景观重要地区 D. 整个城市规划区 [判断题]挂车试拉,连结员确认车列全部起动,向调车长回示好了信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小批量加工三偏心工件常采用( )的装夹方式。
A.V形块、花盘、角铁 B.三爪卡盘 C.四爪卡盘 D.偏心卡盘 [单项选择]适应于热陷心包,痰蒙清窍,中风、惊风等闭证神昏的是哪类药物
A. 平肝息风药 B. 安神药 C. 清热解毒药 D. 开窍药 E. 温里药 我来回答: 提交