早产儿,生后16小时,第二产程延长,吸引器助产,出生时窒息2分钟,复苏后嗜睡,尖叫,查体:体温36℃,口周略青,前囟饱满,心肺(-)。 |
The European online fashion business is
fierce. Just ask backers of one-time highfliers. Like {{U}}boo. com{{/U}}, the urban
sportswear retailer that {{U}}tanked{{/U}} last year, and {{U}}dressmart{{/U}}, com, the
struggling men’s wear specialist. Those once stellar online brands expanded too
fast, spent much more than they earned, and then lost their investor support
after Internet stocks began plummeting last April. The markets sent online
fashion stores a tough message: come up with business models that generate
revenues. A few firms have shown that not all online fashion shops are Internet disasters. Copenhagen-based {{U}}haburi, com{{/U}}, the online designer-label discount store, Sweden’s sportswear vendor Sportus and the Italian shirts store Marco Bracci are doing well in a very tough environment. Haburi’s distinctive business model is a A. The models of the online fashion stores were not suitable. B. Some online fashion stores still make profits. C. There are online stores in Italy that make money. D. Sweden’s online stores are doing well by discount. [单项选择]Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for money-making jobs they()before leaving their hometowns.
A. promised B. were promised C. have promised D. have been promised [单选题]电影艺术的美学特性又表现为逼真性与什么的有机统一。( )
A.假定性 B.艺术性 C.直观性 [多选题]计算机网络需要哪几方面的安全性()。
A.保密性,计算机中的信息只能授予访问权限的用户读取 B.可利用性,具有访问权限的用户在需要时可以利用计算机系统中的信息资源得到密文 C.可靠性 D.数据完整性,计算机系统中的信息资源只能被授予权限的用户修改 [单选题]水的主要灭火作用是( )
A.稀释 B.乳化 C.冷却 D.覆盖 [多选题]第四套人民币_____面额采用古钱币满版水印图案。
A.2元 B.5元 C.10元 D.50元 E.100元 [简答题]什么叫低温烧结?它对烧结生产有什么意义?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]第二次世界大战时的同盟国三巨头之一,当时的英国首相是谁?
A. 6个月 B. 7个月 C. 8个月 D. 9个月 E. 2个月 我来回答: 提交