Hello, I was once an airline hostess. Now I’ m on my first bus trip and I’ m quite amazed at the services offered during the trip. Included are meals on the way, rest rooms, public-address announcements and a uniformed hostess. Just now I introduced myself to the hostess on the bus, and we compared experience on air and ground travel.
At lunch time, she gave out menus offering a choice of sandwiches. As she began filling orders, she found that there weren’ t enough egg-salad sandwiches. She quickly went to whisper to the driver. The bus soon stopped. The hostess dashed to another similar bus that was all the time following ours, and soon she returned with a box of egg-salad sandwiches. As she passed my seat, she asked, "Could you do that on a plane/
Do you know something about tree rings
Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds
of years ago We can see the change of weather by studying the tree rings. For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count (数) the rings of a tree from outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we are sure that it was sunny most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the weather that year was bad. Tree rings are important not only for studying the history (历史) of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand there A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there. He found that the p [单项选择]Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ______ obtaining water is not the least.
A. of which B. for what C. as D. whose [单选题]_____是征信的第一步,因此信息源的选择非常重要,将对后续工作的开展起到基础性和决定性作用。( )
A.信息采集 B.信息整理 C.信息归档 D.信息使用 [判断题]依据《中国石化临时用电作业安全管理规定》,临时用电作业时,施工单位负责人应随时向施工作业人员进行作业程序和安全措施交底。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.8 小型、微型非营运载客汽车超过6年的,每年检验( )__次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]用压杆电钻时,压杆应与电钻(),如压杆的一端插在固定物体中,压杆的固定点须十分牢固。
A. 倾斜 B. 垂直 C. 水平 [多选题]证券组合按不同的投资目标可以分为()等。
A.避税型 B.收入型 C.增长型 D.货币市场型 [填空题]机车、动车及各种车辆上方的接触网设备未停电并办理安全防护措施前,禁止任何人员攀登到()或车辆装载的货物上
[判断题]>金属的延伸率用ψ表示。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]高粱酒入口燥、爆、辣的原因是什么?
A.主电路 B.控制电路 C.辅助电路 D.信号电路 [单项选择]前置胎盘患者行期待疗法中,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 住院观察 B. 卧床休息 C. 适当镇静及使用宫缩剂 D. 行凝血功能检查 E. 估计胎儿成熟情况 [单项选择]小脑疾病患者常见异常步态是()
A. 共济失调步态 B. 鸭子步态 C. 跨阈步态 D. 剪刀步态 E. 扶膝步态 [单选题]救护训练通常以班(组)、中队为单位,由( )组织实施。
A.中队长 B.执勤干部 C.班长 D.医护人员 [单选题]牵引绳应从卷筒下方卷入,排列整齐,并与卷筒垂直,在卷筒上不准少于()圈。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单选题] 依据《水利部关于印发的通知》,水利工程生产安全重大事故隐患判定分为()。
A.直接判定法和综合判定法 B.直接判定法和评分判定法 C.评分判定法和综合判定法 D.间接判定法和评分判定法 [判断题]无缝线路缓冲区钢轨接头,必须使用10.9级高强度螺栓。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]透析中发生滤器和(或)血路管凝血的临床表现是( )
A.血路管及透析器血液颜色变暗、变黑 B.静脉压升高 C. TMP升高 D.动脉压升高 E. TMP下降 我来回答: 提交