A recent phenomenon in present-day
science and technology is the increasing trend towards "directed" or
"programmed" research, i.e. research whose scope and objectives are
predetermined by private or government organizations rather than researchers
themselves. Any scientist working for such organizations and investigation in a
given field therefore tends to do so in accordance with a plan or programmed
designed beforehand. At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different. At that time there were no industrial research organizations in the modern sense: the laboratory unit consisted of a few scientists at the most, assisted by one or two technicians, often working with inadequate equipment in unsuitable rooms. Nevertheless, the scientist was free to choose any subject for investigation he liked, sinc A. Applied and pure science will simultaneously advance rapidly. B. Pure science will be much stimulated by applied science. C. Applied science and pure science will be separately independent. D. Great danger will await the future of science. [单选题]南宁3号线项目车辆夏季空调制冷量需求最大约为( )。
A.50kw B.60kw C.70kw D.80kw [单项选择]GB/T10058-2009《电梯技术条件》规定,机房的噪声平均值应不大于()dB。
A. 55 B. 65 C. 80 D. 85 [单项选择]组成正中神经的神经根纤维为()。
A. C6~T1 B. C5~T2 C. C1~C4 D. T1~T12 E. L1~S2 [单项选择]使子宫内膜增殖的激素是()
A. 雌激素 B. 孕激素 C. 雄激素 D. 前列腺素 E. 甲状腺素 [判断题]( )加热炉炉管结焦后,会造成加热炉出入口压降升高。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
California has more than two thousand{{U}} (47) {{/U}}of plants that are not found anywhere else. A new study says climate change could severely{{U}} (48) {{/U}}these plants by the end of the century. Many could move northward and toward the Pacific coast in reaction to rising temperatures and {{U}} (49) {{/U}}in rainfall. Others might climb up mountains to find the cooler climates they like. But David Akeley at the University of California, Berkeley, says the{{U}} (50) {{/U}}of climate change is greater than during ice ages in the past. He says plants that cannot move fast enough are in {{U}} (51) {{/U}}of getting killed off before they can relocate. Changes in plants could also affect animals that depend on the plants for food. About forty percent of all{{U}} (52) {{/U}}plants in California are endemic, meaning that they are found only in that state [单项选择]在综合布线系统中,一个工作区服务的面积一般在()之间
A. 10~15平方米 B. 5~10平方米 C. 15~20平方米 D. 20~30平方米 [判断题]未安装于隔离手车上的熔断器,更换前应拉开电压互感器一次隔离开关,对熔断器两侧验电并接地后进行更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The Historical Background of Social Psychology [判断题]邮资票品管理系统中出库计划单可分为两种方式:单品种多去向出库和单品种单去向出库。
[多选题]在选煤厂,围绕煤炭脱水并实现洗水闭路循环的总目标,可把固液分离分成( )部分。
A.分级旋流器的分级作用 B.粗粒产品脱水 C.细粒产品脱水 D.煤泥水处理 [判断题]电流通过人体会对人体的内部组织造成破坏,严重时导致昏迷迷,心室颤动乃至死亡
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]把各级党员干部锻造成为“( )能成事、有干劲、( )团队强”的五好干部。
A. 开立银行账户 B. 领购发票 C. 纳税申报 D. 缴纳税款 [填空题]二次回路接线施工完毕在测试绝缘时,应采取防止()设备损坏的安全技术措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]呼吸有烂苹果味最常见于()
A. 乙醇中毒 B. 有机磷农药中毒 C. 肝性脑病 D. 尿毒症 E. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 [判断题]断火试验。将发动机置于敲击声最明显的转速下运转,逐缸进行断火试验。当某缸断火后响声减弱或消失,复火后又迅速地恢复,尤其第一声特别突出,即为该缸活塞敲缸响。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]‘年1月4日起实施的维保公司《运营突发事件应急处置总体预案》中规定,上海轨道交通发生运营突发事件时,各分公司生产调度应立即安排( )前往现场进行先期确认和处置。
A.抢修队伍 B.车站站务员 C.距事发现场最近的值守人员 D.行车值班员 [简答题]什么是无缝线路作业中的“四不超”?
[单项选择]下列选项中不属于软件生命周期开发阶段任务的是( )。
A. 软件测试 B. 概要设计 C. 软件维护 D. 详细设计 [简答题]本案涉及的修理费用应由谁承担
[多选题]起重机械在起吊、牵引过程中,( ),禁止有人逗留和通过。
A.受力钢丝绳的周围 B.吊臂的下面 C.转向滑车外角侧 D.起吊物的下面 [多项选择]法律推理的方法有两大类,即( )。
A. 形式逻辑方法 B. 归纳推理方法 C. 类比推理方法 D. 辩证逻辑方法 [单选题]( )手信号显示及收回时机为:自列车头部进入接车线前、线路所为能看到列车头部时起,至列车头部越过显示地点后止。
A.通过 B.发车 C.引导 D.调车 [单选题]根据《河北省安全生产风险管控与隐患治理规定》( )评估分析和改进有关管理制度,并告知从业人员
A.尽量 B.随时 C.定期 [多选题]接触网的检修分为小修、大修和故障修。
A.、故障修 B.、小修 C.、大修 D.、抢修 我来回答: 提交