The World No Tobacco Day theme for 2003 is Tobacco Free Films Tobacco Free Fashion Action! World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 31. This year World No Tobacco Day will focus on the role of the fashion and film world in fostering the worldwide tobacco epidemic and urge them to stop being used as vehicles of death and disease. The world of film and fashion cannot be accused of causing cancer. But they do not have to promote a product that does.
WHO is calling on the entertainment industry, in particular the world of films and fashion, to stop promoting a product that kills a regular user every second. In November 2002, WHO was joined by medical associations and the Smoke Free Films project at the University of California in San Francisco in its call to the entertainment and fashion industries to ensure that their social responsibility is commensurate with their global influence Many famous film production companies, such as Bollywood and Hol
"The Child is Father of the Man," wrote the English poet William Wordsworth. (1)Adults today are as aware as Wordsworth of the importance of childhood experiences that a cherished and well-behaved child has a better chance of growing into a balanced , loving and law-abiding adult than an unloved one. The Children Act of 1989, created to give children much-needed protection against abuse, in the process legalized the ideology: the child comes first.
(2)But while the nurturing of self-esteem in children is now accepted as a requisite of their development, the social and economic demands on over-worked, harassed parents often prevent them from putting this theory into practice where it matters most—in the home. Indeed, much of the time it seems that parents themselves are suffering a crisis of self-esteem.
Reports show that teenagers are increasingly obese and slothful. They watch on average between four and six horns of televis
People usually pay more attention to avoiding disasters after they have been struck by them. (26) this concern, the year 2006 is a milestone for rational behavior. The memory of the violence attack 9/11 is still (27) in American people’s minds. After they saw hurricane Katrina, which is the most serious disaster in U.S. history on (28) TV, those people that didn’t know it before should have assumed that disaster can take place. They are made (29) worse by our wayward fatuity to risk as well as our (30) to work together before the thing goes too bad.
That is true. Some false opinion is probably part of the (31) condition. Pompeii was badly destroyed by a quake in A. D. 63. However, the local people went to work (32) quickly until they were buried together by a volcano eruption 16 years later in the same spot. However, a (33) of the past history of disaster shows that modern Americans are ex
A. pull
B. call
C. ride
D. shut