行下标 | 列下标 | 值 |
1 | 2 | 5 |
1 | 3 | 2 |
2 | 7 | 9 |
3 | 5 | 6 |
3 | 6 | A. 该稀疏矩阵有8列 B. 该稀疏矩阵有7列 C. 该稀疏矩阵有9个非0元素 D. 该稀疏矩阵的第3行第6列的值为0 [单项选择]开展计算机战术模拟训练时,要设总导演席、总指挥席和若干()。
A. 阵地指挥席 B. 观摩席 C. 决策指挥室 D. 小组指挥席 [多选题]杆塔拆除应该根据现场地形、交跨情况确定拆塔方案,并应遵守( )规定。
A.A-分解拆除铁塔时,应按照组塔的逆顺序操作 B.B-先将待拆构件受力后,方准拆除连接螺栓 C.C-整体倒塔时明确倒杆方向 D.D-先将原永久拉线解开 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]棉花预购贷款一般采取( )贷款方式。
A.信用 B.担保 C.抵押 D.质押 [多选题]下列职责中,应当相互分离的职责有:
A.原材料的采购与保管 B.原材料的保管与盘点 C.产成品的生产与验收 D.生产计划的制定与审批 E.原材料的保管与发出 [单项选择] Labor Force
The labor force is the part of a nation’’s population that works for pay or that is looking for a paying job. In 1800, the United States had about 2 million people in its labor force. Most of them worked on farms, most of whom were men. In 1993, about 130 million Americans were in the labor force. 96 million workers were found in large cities, 46 percent of whom were women. New Kinds of Jobs
In the twentieth century, the U. S. labor force has undergone many changes. One of the most significant of these changes is in the decline in the number of blue collar jobs and the rise in the number of white-collar jobs.
A blue-collar job involves manual or outdoor labor. Blue-collar workers include factory assemblers and welders; carpenters, plumbers(水暖工), mechanics, and painters; construction workers, and truck drivers. Although the number of blue-collar workers increased in the twentieth century, the future will see a declining need
A. Y B. N C. NG [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)目前已发布的智享云课堂PC版本的BizVideoEC软件支持文字聊天功能,但是手机版本的EC不支持该功能。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]有超速防护的固定闭塞法下,列车折返以()实现列车折返。
[单项选择]Passage One
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:
Many people who are rich are also well-known. Ted Sweeney was an exception to this rule. His family moved to San Francisco from Los Angeles when he was one month old. That’s where he grew up. At the age of seventeen he was hit by a train. Although he was not seriously hurt, the railroad paid him $25,000. Instead of going to college he bought a small store. Six months later the government bought his land to build a new highway. He sold it for $95,000.
With this money he moved to Detroit. He started a small company that made parts for the car manufacturers. It was very successful and by the time he was 23 he was a millionaire. When he was 24 he got married. He and his wife had three daughters in the next five years. By the time he was 30 he had over ten million dollars.
Then tragedy struck. He was involved in a traffic accident. He did not die but his wife and daughters did. Six months later he sold everything he owne
A. Sweeney lost all his money in the stock market. B. People may be rich but not well-known. C. People may not be aware of their wealth. D. Sweeney became rich by selling food cans. [单选题]根据《劳动合同法》,用人单位()的,劳动者可以立即解除劳动合同,无需事先告知用人单位。
A.未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费 B.违章指挥危及劳动者人身安全 C.未及时足额支付劳动报酬 D.未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护 [判断题] 吊篮内作业人员应规范佩戴安全帽,2人可使用一个锁绳器连接。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The principles of the Ottawa Charter are considered to be out of date in the 1990s.
[多项选择]财产所有权消灭的法律事实有( )。
A. 合同 B. 转让所有权 C. 抵销 D. 财产灭失 E. 所有权人死亡 [判断题]【题文】在管线试压时,一般先进行严密性试压后,再进行强度试压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在市场经济条件下,建设工程项目是否采用招标投标的方式确定承包人,()有着完全的决定权。
A. 建筑工程师 B. 业主 C. 设计单位 D. 总监理工程师 [单项选择]关系数据库系统的效率主要取决于( )。
A. 设计者的业务水平 B. 计算机的效率 C. RDBMS本身 D. 以上都不是 [单项选择]男性,30岁,酒后驾车发生车祸,右上腹受伤致肝破裂。神志清楚,上腹部明显压痛,面色苍白,四肢湿冷,脉搏130次/分,血压10.7/8kPa(80/60mmHg),尿少,口渴,过度换气。立即给病人快速补充血容量,宜首先输注()
A. 5%葡萄糖等渗氯化钠溶液 B. 全血 C. 10%葡萄糖液 D. 血浆 E. 右旋糖酐液 [单选题]燃烧时可能发生沸溢、喷溅的油品是( )。
A.重油 B.汽油 C.混合苯 D.柴油 [多选题]在容器内()时,应打开人孔门及管道阀门,并进行强力通风。
A.衬胶 B.涂漆 C.刷环氧玻璃钢 [判断题] 交通事故现场有易(可)燃气体或液体泄漏,在使用起重、扩张、牵引等器材时,应采用喷雾水枪进行掩护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于非线性药代动力学基本概念不正确的是 ()
A. 药物消除有特异性和饱和性 B. 药物浓度低时为一级代谢 C. 药物浓度较高时呈饱和状态为零级代谢 D. 非线性代谢的药物半衰期是常数,血药浓度与给药剂量完全成正比 E. 非线性代谢的药物半衰期不是常数,血药浓度与给药剂量不完全成正比 [单选题]在水力机械设备和水工建筑物上,需要运行值班人员在运行方式、操作调整上采取保障人身、设备运行安全措施的工作,必须填用( )。
A.A.水力机械工作票 B.B.二次措施票 C.C.操作票 D.D.动火工作票 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]安全带的正确扣法如何()
A. 同一水平 B. 低挂高用 C. 高挂低用 D. 任何位置 [单项选择]女性,30岁。反复发作性呼吸困难,胸闷2年。3天前受凉后咳嗽,咳少量脓痰,接着出现呼吸困难、胸闷,并逐渐加重。体检:无发绀,双肺广泛哮鸣音,肺底部少许湿啰音。表明气道阻塞具有可逆性的检查结果是()
A. 一秒钟用力呼气容积(FEV1)>60%预计值 B. 最大呼气流量(PEF)>60%预计值 C. 吸入沙丁胺醇后FEV1增加率>12% D. 吸入倍氯米松后FEV1增加率>15% E. 支气管激发试验阳性 我来回答: 提交