There is a new type of small
advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns.
It is sometimes placed among "situations vacant", although it does not
offer anyone a job; and sometimes it appears among "situations wanted", although
it is not placed by someone looking for a job either. What it does is to offer
help in applying for a job. "Contact us before writing application", or "Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae, or job history", is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a A. informs job hunters of the opportunities available B. promises useful advice to those looking for employment C. divides available jobs into various types D. informs employers that people are available for work [多选题]灭火救援战评的主要内容有:( )灾情的发展过程及采取的技术、战术措施情况,组织指挥、协同作战和战斗保障情况,现场纪律、战斗作风和完成任务情况,主要经验教训和改进措施。
A.受理报警 B.力量调度 C.出动情况 D.出警情况 [多选题]行车值班员(值班站长) 通过( )监视列车运行、 到发情况, 播放广播, 做好乘客服务。
A.ATS 子系统工作站 B.CCTV C.FAS D.SC [单项选择]"Sleep defensively" means that people should ______.
A. go to see a doctor when they have sleep problems B. keep to a flexible sleep pattern C. sacrifice other things to get enough sleep if necessary D. follow changeable sleep routines [判断题]原水预处理系统共两台处理装置,每台出水量300m3/h 。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What happened to the man
A. He uses a newer machine. B. His job is now done by a machine. C. He went on strike. D. His job was given to another worker. [单选题]( )属于视觉信号。
A. 号角 B. 响墩发出的音响 C. 机车、轨道车的鸣笛声 D. 信号旗 [单项选择]男,65岁。突发心前区疼痛10小时,心电图示V1~V6导联有病理性Q波,S段弓背向上抬高,T波倒置。入院查体;BP150/90 mmHg,心率80次/分,律齐。
最可能的诊断是急性( )
A. 广泛前壁心肌梗死 B. 下壁心肌梗死 C. 后壁心肌梗死 D. 前间壁心肌梗死 E. 高侧壁心肌梗死 [判断题]后备保护分近后备和远后备保护两种。()
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