Two half-brothers, Sir Humphrey Gilbert
and Sir Walter Raleigh, were the first Englishmen to undertake serious ventures
in America. Gilbert, one of the more earnest seekers of the Northwest Passage,
went to Newfoundland in 1578 and again in 1583 but failed to colonize the
territory either time and lost his life on the re. mm voyage to England after
the second attempt. Raleigh, in turn, was granted the right to settle in
"Virginia" and to have control of the land within a radius of 200 leagues from
any colonists to the new continent. The first landed on the island of Roanoke
off the coast of what is now North Carolina and stayed less than a year;
anything but enthusiastic about their new home, these first colonists returned
to England with Sir Francis Drake in the summer of 1586. Undaunted, Raleigh
solicited A. they were attacked by the Indians. B. they didn’t have adequate supplies. C. they had no passion for their new home at all. D. they didn’t receive enough financial aid. [单选题]使用管材制作的绝缘工具,其管口要( )。
A.开放 B.向下 C.封堵 D.密封 [单项选择]计算机网络中带宽表示网络通信线路传输数据的能力,其单位通常表示为()
A. Hz B. bit/s C. dB D. dBm [简答题]>怎样确认剪刃间隙调整是否合适?
[单选题]遇有电气设备着火时,应立即将有关设备的( ),然后进行救火。
A.保护停用 B.电源切断 C.外壳接地 D.重合闸退出 [判断题]中国特色社会主义的总任务是实现社会主义现代化和中华民 族伟大复兴。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高频通道中一侧的终端衰耗约( ) dB。
A.3dB B.4dB C.5dB [单选题] CH3.COCl+NH3.+Cl—的反应属于( )
A.水解 B.醇解 C.氨解 D.硝解 [多选题]自动检票机分( )三种类型。
A.A. 进站检票机 B.B. 出站检票机 C.C. 双向检票机 D.D. 人工检票机 [单项选择]()进料变重,能引起氧含量。
A. 不变 B. 下降 C. 上升 [单选题]以下哪一项技术是研究计算机程序在没有明确编程的情况下可以提高其性能?
A.神经网络 B.实践社区 C.遗传算法 D.机器学习 E.智能技术 [单项选择]可以作为一手住房贷款购房首付款证明的是()。
A. 借款人存折 B. 开发商出具的正式发票 C. 建筑商出具的收据 D. 存入售楼员账户的汇款凭证 [多选题]下列指标中,仪表的主要质量指标有( )
A.精度 B.回程误差 C.灵敏度 D.分辨力 [单选题]工作票签发人名单应( )。
A.公布 B.公示 C.备案 D.口头通知 [单选题]安全监督人员对违反规定,隐瞒事故或阻碍事故调查的行业有权纠正或越级反映。()
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 [单项选择]Later the Greeks moved east from Cumae to Neapolis, the New City, a little farther along the coast where modern Naples now stands. We have a very good idea what life in this sun-splashed land was like during the Roman era because of the recovered splendor of Pompeii and Herculaneum. But as the well-trod earth of Campania continues to yield ancient secrets, Mastrolorenzo and Petrone, with their colleague Lucia Pappalardo, have put together a rich view of an earlier time and what may have been humankind’s first encounter with the primal force of Vesuvius.
Almost all has come to light by chance. In May 2001, for example, construction workers began digging the foundation for a supermarket next to a desolate, weed-strewn intersection just outside the town of Nola. An archaeologist working for the province of Naples noticed several trances of burned wood a few feet below the surface, an indication of earlier human habitation. At 19 feet below, relicts of a perfectly preserved Early Bro A. made artware. B. grew crops. C. tended flocks. D. lived with their livestock. [单项选择]如果对含有n(n>1)个元素的线性表的运算只有4种:删除第一个元素,删除最后一个元素,在第一个元素前面插入新元素,在最后—个元素的后面插入新元素,则最好使用( )。
A. 只有尾结点指针没有头结点指针的循环单链表 B. 只有尾结点指针没有头结点指针的非循环单链表 C. 只有头结点指针没有尾结点指针的循环单链表 D. 既有头结点指针也有尾结点指针的循环单链表 [单选题]进入缺氧密闭空间作业需使用()。
A.滤毒罐 B.长管式防毒面具 C.空气呼吸器 [判断题]范氏方程中,涡流扩散项与填充物的平均颗粒直径及填充物的均匀性有关,即颗粒越细,填充越均匀,则塔板高度愈小,柱效愈高
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]RANCLI工具可以针对多个网元同时执行命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]旅客购买卧铺票时,卧铺票的到站、座别必须与客票的到站、座别相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]各单位在下列高温天气期间,可以合理安排工作时间,减轻劳动强度,采取有效措施,保障劳动者身体健康和生命安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]垄断资本主义国家事实上的统治者是( )
A.银行资本家 B.工业资本家 C.金融寡头 D.军火商 [单项选择]创业者在需要花费高成本采集信息前,应先尽一切努力从()中采集信息。
A. 问卷调查 B. 直接观察 C. 非公共领域 D. 公共领域 [简答题]B-C-A-001143
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