Banks{{/B}} {{U}} (29) {{/U}}the end of May 1995, China has 15 commercial banks, the International Business{{U}} (30) {{/U}}. Eight of these are{{U}} (31) {{/U}}nationwide. They are: the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, the People’s Construction Bank of China, the Communications Bank, the CITIC Industrial Bank, the China Everbright Bank and the Huaxia Bank. There are six{{U}} (32) {{/U}}shareholding banks. They are: the Merchant’s Bank, the Guandong Development Bank, the Shenzhen Development Ban [单项选择]在快速开发项目中,用来处理网络通信控制,流处理,Mail,Email,FTP,HTTP 等 应用协议处理以及生成动态页面和商业逻辑的封装,选择下面 ______开发工具更合适。
A. VB B. PB C. VC D. Dephi [单项选择]赵女士,24岁,婚后2次自然流产,均为停经45天~50天,引起早期流产的病因可能是
A. 宫颈裂伤 B. 黄体功能不全 C. 染色体异常 D. 急性传染病 E. 父母血型不合 [多选题]19世纪西欧()三大思潮为马克思主义的创立提供了直接的理论来源。
A. 德国古典哲学 B. 英国古典政治经济学 C. 英法两国的空想社会主义 D. 法国理性主义 [单选题]低温疗法一般肛温以保持什么温度为宜()
A.22℃ B.30℃ C.32℃ D.34℃ E.36℃ [单项选择]
Passage 2 Every man is a philosopher. Every man has his own philosophy of life and his special view of the universe. Moreover, his philosophy is important, more important perhaps than he himself knows. It determines his treatment of friends and enemies, his conduct when alone and in society, his attitude towards his home, his work, and his country, his religious beliefs, his ethical standards, his social adjustment and his personal happiness. Nations, too, through the political or military party in power, have their philosophers of thought and action. Wars are waged and revolutions incited because of the clash Of ideologies, the conflict of philippics. It has always been so. World War II is but the latest and most dramatic illustration of the combustible nature of differences in social and political philosophy. Philosophy, says Plato, begins with wonder. We wonder about the destructive fury of earthquakes, floods, storms, drough A. the power struggle B. the military competition C. the conflict of ideas D. the racial contradiction [判断题]使用C64H型敞车装载05类0510生铁最大允许增载3吨。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]每次接地故障后,应检查母线支持绝缘子是否有放电痕迹。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )《国际海上避碰规则》第三十四条5款规定的一长声的信号,除其他条文另有规定外:
A.表示一船无法发现在航道或水道的弯头另一侧水域的船舶情况; B.表示在驶近可能被居间障碍物遮蔽他船的水道或航道的弯头或地段的一船所发出的一种警告他船的声号; C.回答的一长声,表示本船也在接近被居间障碍物遮蔽他船的水道或航道的弯头或地段; D.A、B、C均正确。 [判断题]财政部对国务院其他部委的财政收支和财务活动、财政税收政策、法规和规章的执行情况的检查、监督属于职能监督。
[多选题]多选题传输设备应满足( )
A.双电源 B.双路由 C.双设备 D.双链路" [多选题]针对电力安全生产过程中存在的突出问题和薄弱环节,进一步规范电力安全生产监督管理,从()、作业流程控制、()、()等方面,明确必须坚决禁止的行为,避免和减少事故的发生。
A.人员资格 B.安全措施管控 C.安全生产条件 D.安全生产管理 [多项选择]排出管有室外排水管连接处的检查井,井中心距建筑物外墙不小于( )。
A. 2 m B. 3 m C. 4 m D. 5 m [单选题]下列为选择培养基的是
A.克氏双糖铁琼脂培养基 B.疱肉培养基 C.碱性蛋白胨水培养基 D.葡萄糖发酵管 E.SS琼脂培养基 [判断题]利用喷雾射流实施掩护时,通常与保护目标保持3-5米的有效距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]屏幕:彩屏
A.时间:纳米 B.何首乌:中药材 C.酷暑:空调 D.青年:愤青 [单项选择]电泵井不压井作业油管开关器按设计结构形式可分为()种。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单选题]可逆过程是( )。
A.稳定的膨胀过程 B.没有摩擦的准平衡过程 C.均匀的传热过程 D.系统内部温度处处一致,压力处处一致的过程
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]1952—1954年,军队转业干部安置工作属于计划分配和自主择业相结合阶段。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )离心泵启动前、应将出口阀关闭,目的是使轴功率为零
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钳形电流表可做成既能测交流电电流,也能测量直流电电流。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交