I want to divide human understanding
into two kinds—classical understanding and romantic understanding. In terms of
ultimate truth, a distinction of this sort has little meaning, but it is quite
legitimate when one is operating within the classic mode used to discover or
create a world of underlying form. The terms classical and romantic, as Phaedrus
used them, mean the following: A classical understanding sees the world primarily as underlying form itself. A romantic understanding sees it primarily in terms of immediate appearance. If you were to show an engine or a mechanical drawing or electronic scheme to a romantic, it is unlikely he would see much of interest in it. It has no appeal because the reality he sees is its surface. Dull, complex lists of names, lines and numbers. Nothing interesting. But if you were to show the same blueprint or give A. the classic mode B. the romantic mode C. both modes D. neither modes [单项选择]医疗文件的重要意义与下列哪项无关( )。
A. 病人流动情况的依据 B. 具有重要的法律作用 C. 医务人员临床实践的原始记录资料 D. 科研工作的重要资料 E. 医学教学的最好教材 [判断题]混凝土可称为人工石,是因为其强度很高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为了证实被审计单位应付账款期末余额的真实性,审计人员应实施的审计程序是:
A.检查订购单是否连续编号 B.计算当年应付账款占流动负债的比率,并与上年相比较 C.抽查应付账款明细账并追查至相关的原始凭证 D.抽查请购单是否经过适当审批 [判断题]《铁路运输收入票据管理工作规则》领出的客货运输票据,班组间交接时必须办理交接手续,严禁信用交接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]500kV过励磁保护是防止变压器( )时,变压器磁通饱和。
A.过电压 B.过电流 C.过负荷 D.过热 [多项选择]破产重整类呆账核销个性证明材料包括()。
A. 根据债权担保方式分别提供抵(质)押物处置、变现证明或担保人财产清偿证明 B. 与债务人签订的和解协议或重整计划 C. 法院生效的判决书或裁定书 D. 债务人还款证明、入账凭证 [判断题]2.62对持加载统一社会信用代码的登记证(照)办理机动车登记的,在按规定办理登记业务的同时,要一并办理机动车所有人身份证明类型和号码变更备案,签注登记证书,号牌、行驶证不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]路堤
A.穷途末路 B.屈指可数 C.时日不多 D.不可逆转 [单选题]离心泵并联的目的是( )
A.增大扬程 B.增大流量 C.两者都是 [判断题]汛期、雨雪、大风等恶劣天气或事故巡视应配备必要的防护用具、自救器具和药品;夜间巡视应保持足够的照明。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交