International ocean shipping
constitutes a highly significant aspect of world economic and political
relationships. The rapid growth in world trade and the emergence of new national
entities in the last 30 years have further emphasized the role of international
shipping. Because of the generally free environment in which it has operated,
the industry is highly mobile and flexible—characteristics that, together with
technological progress, have facilitated the rapid growth in world
trade. In recent years, however, there have been several technological and institutional developments that are likely to have major efforts on the industry. One of the latter is the aggregation of conventions and practices known as the Law of the Sea, which has been discussed in the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea since 1958. The third A. The Changing Industry of International Shipping B. The New Law of the Sea C. International Shipping In Thirty Years D. New Principles Governing International Shipping [单选题]“没见过世面的核桃,市面见。”这则广告文案用了以下哪种修辞
A.双关 B.拈连 C.通感 D.回环 [判断题] ( )程序升温的初始温度应设置在样品中最易挥发组分的沸点附近。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 建设工程监理制是实行项目法人制的必要条件 B. 建设工程监理制是实行项目法人制的基本保障 C. 项目法人制是保证项目建设质量的关键 D. 项目法人制是一项投资约束机制 E. 项目法人制是实行工程监理制的必要条件 [单项选择]下列属于肿瘤二级预防措施的是( )
A. 戒烟、戒洒 B. 控制大气污染 C. 防止日光曝晒 D. 定期普查 E. 不食烟熏食品以及质变食物 [单选题]高铁有砟轨道线路水准基点测量250km/h~300km/h(不含) 测量等级为二等水准测量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]正常成人血红蛋白种类主要是
A. HbA B. HbA2 C. HbAF D. HbS E. HbBart [单选题]丙企业发生了一起事故,为了加强对该事故恢复期间的管理,丙企业指定了一名恢复主管,并组建了恢复工作组 下列关于恢复主管和恢复工作组的说法中,正确的是( )
A.恢复主管负责专门组建一个小组来执行恢复功能 B.恢复工作组的人员组成要依据事故的原因来确定 C.恢复工作组的组成人员一般不包括公共关系人员 D.恢复工作组的组成人员可包括工会和承包商代表 [判断题]8字环式下降器一般采用铝合金铸造,轻巧耐用,操作方便。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列关于个人结算账户需提供的基本证明文件的叙述正确的是()。
A. 境内16岁以上的中国公民,应出具居民身份证或临时身份证 B. 中国人民武装警察,可出具军人身份证 C. 香港.澳门居民,应出具港澳居民往来内地通行证 D. 外国公民,应出具护照 [单选题]一类高层民用建筑的耐火等级不应低于( )。
(A)一级 (B)二级 (C)三级 (D)四级 A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 单选题30 [不定项选择题]患儿,1岁半,半天来发热、流涕、咳嗽,半小时前突然抽风一次,持续约5分钟,为全身大抽,1岁发热时曾抽风一次,情况与本次类似。查体:神清、一般情况好,T38.6℃,咽红,呼吸音稍粗,神经系统检查(-)来院急诊。
A.患儿会越来越重 B.随年龄增长,多数会自愈 C.需服用抗癫痫药治疗 D.需长期服用钙片、鱼肝油治疗 E.需加大抗生素的量治疗 [多选题]体内储存的ATP可用于
A.合成体内的生物活性物质 B.物质跨细胞膜的主动转运 C.肌肉收缩和舒张 D.建立细胞膜两侧的离子浓度差 E.物质跨细胞膜的单纯扩散 [单项选择]Tales of schools filled with disgusting smell from rotten building materials, as well as schools built on former industrial sites or in the shadow of chemical factories, can be found all across the country. And research such as one study underway at the University of Michigan suggests that the problem of school environmental hazards may disproportionately endanger poor children and those of color. Preliminary findings of the ongoing study, led by Paul Mohai, suggest the scope of the problem of school pollution and its impact on performance. Their team divided their state into 10 zones based on the concentration of pollutants, and found that 56 percent of white students attend schools in these zones, while 69 percent of Hispanic(西班牙裔的)children and a shocking 92 percent of black students do. They also found that children in schools with higher concentrations of pollutants tend to score lower on standardized tests than children in less polluted schools, though they cannot say with certain
A. It has taken effective measures to tackle school environmental hazards. B. It has turned deaf ears to parents’ complaints of environmental hazards. C. It still can not deal with this issue in a desirable way. D. It has supervised how schools are built and run. [单选题]‘年11月,首届中国国际进口博览会在( )举办。 ( )
A. 北京 B. 天津 C. 苏州 D. 上海 [单项选择]频率在()HZ及以下时,各级值班调度员及发电厂、变电所的运行值班人员可不受“事故拉(限)电序位表”的限制,自行拉停馈供线路或变压器,使系统频率在15分钟内恢复到49.0HZ以上
A. 48.5HZ B. 48.0HZ C. 47.5HZ D. 47.0HZ [多项选择]卡氏肺囊虫肺炎近年急剧增加相关因素是()。
A. 慢性病患者增加 B. 器官移植 C. AIDS的出现与流行 D. 免疫抑制剂的广泛使用 E. 糖皮质激素的广泛使用 [简答题]重要空白凭证是无面额的、经银行或客户填写金额等要素并签章后即具有支付效力或证明资金权属关系的空白凭证。主要包括 、 、银行本票、 、存单等。
Some time between digesting Christmas dinner and putting your head back down to work, spare a thought or two for the cranberry. It is, of course, a (1) of Christmas: merry bright red, bittersweetly delicious with turkey and the very devil to get out of the tablecloth (2) spilled. But the cranberry is also a symbol of the modern food industry and in the tale of its (3) from colonial curiosity to business - school case study (4) a deeper understanding of the opportunities and (5) of modern eating. [单选题]隔离开关导电回路严重发热达到危急缺陷,且无法倒换运行方式或转移负荷时应( )。
A.立即向值班调控人员申请停运处理 B.加强监视 C.进行缺陷跟踪 D.联系厂家处理 [单项选择]蛔虫()。
A. 虫卵随粪便排出体外 B. 雌虫直接在肛周产卵 C. 幼虫随血进入吸血节肢动物体内 D. 雌虫产出新生蚴,在肌肉内形成囊包 [简答题]
某高校后勤实体,经营学生公寓和对外营业的宾馆及学生食堂而获得的租金和服务性收入,免征营业税;但利用学生公寓或教师公寓等高校后勤服务设施向社会人员提供服务而获得的租金和其他各种服务性收入,应按现行规定计征营业税。2004年1月份取得以下收入: [单项选择]急性根尖周炎最主要的症状是
A. 自发性持续性痛 B. 咬合痛 C. 牙髓无活力 D. 疼痛能定位 E. 以上都是 [单选题] 亚音速气流经过收缩管道后[1 分]
A.速度增加,压强增大 B. 速度增加,压强下降 C.速度降低,压强下降 [单项选择]当焦比一定时,利用系数随着()。
A. 冶强的降低而降低 B. 冶强的降低而提高 C. 冶强的变化而不变 [判断题]司钻法第一循环周,压井开始,缓慢开泵,迅速打开节流阀,调节节流阀使套管压力保持关井套管压力不变,一直保持到达到压井排量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与欧美国家结肠癌的发病率和发病年龄比较,我国结肠癌的特点在于()
A. 发病率高、中位发病年龄高(65岁左右) B. 发病率低、中位发病年龄高(65岁左右) C. 发病率高、中位发病年龄低(50岁左右) D. 发病率低、中位发病年龄低(50岁左右) E. 发病率高、中位发病年龄无差别 [单选题]女性35岁,近1年来右侧乳房经常出现胀痛,于月经前疼痛加重,月经期间右侧乳房可扪及多个大小不一的结节状和片状肿块,质韧而不硬,与周围无明显粘连,并随月经周期而变化。首先考虑的疾病是
A. 乳癌 B.乳房纤维腺瘤 C. 急性乳房炎 D. 乳管内乳头状瘤 E. 乳腺囊性增生病 [判断题]决策的科学化、民主化是实行民主集中制的重要环节,是社会主义民主政治建设的重要任务。 ( )
[单选题] 将基础设施作为服务的云计算服务类型是() (3分) 查看答案
A.Iaas B.Paas C.Saas D.其他三个选项都是 [单项选择]宫颈癌最常见的组织类型是()。
A. 高分化鳞癌 B. 中分化鳞癌 C. 低分化鳞癌 D. 高分化腺癌 E. 低分化腺癌 我来回答: 提交