A.炉甘石 | B.赭石 |
C.滑石 | D.自然钢 |
E.信石 |
Dear Sir, I am writing {{U}} (21) {{/U}} a strong complaint about the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} treatment my guests, my colleague and I received when we visited your restaurant last Friday evening. On hooking a table for four by telephone on Tuesday we were {{U}} (23) {{/U}} that there would be room for us despite the fact that you had only been {{U}} (24) {{/U}} for a few weeks and were already booked. We appreciate that there must be great {{U}} (25) {{/U}} for restaurant meals at this time of the year in such a popular and {{U}} (26) {{/U}} area but we were not expecting such an ill-mannered reception on the part of your head waiter. Our Chinese friends are currently t A. A.opened B.opening C.open D.openness [单项选择] The long years of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to apparent abundance. Stores and shops are choked with food. Rationing(定量供应) is virtually suspended, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliveries. Yet, instead of joy, there is wide- spread uneasiness and confusion. Why do food prices keep on rising, when there seems to be so much more food about Is the abundance only temporary, or has it come to stay Does it mean that we need to think less now about producing more food at home No one knows what to expect.
The recent growth of export surpluses on the world food market has certainly been unexpectedly great, partly because a strange sequence of two successful grain harvests in North America is now being followed by a third. Most of Britain’’s overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offering more this year and home production has also risen.
But the effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a simultan
A. Despite the abundance of food, food prices keep on rising. B. The abundant food is not expected to last long. C. Farmers will reduce the production of food. D. Britain will not import food. [单项选择]门神是道教和民间共同信仰的守卫门户的神灵,旧时人们都将其神像贴于门上,用以驱邪辟鬼,卫家宅,保平安,助功利,降吉祥等,是民间最受人们欢迎的保护神之一。()就是中国民间流传最广、影响最大的一对文武门神。
A. 神荼、郁垒 B. 秦琼、尉迟恭 C. 赵公明、燃灯道人 D. 萧何、韩信 [多选题]接线图主要的组成部分有(____)。
A.元件 B.端子 C.标注 D.连接线 [单项选择]关于抗体,最优答案是()
A. 由B淋巴细胞产生 B. 由浆细胞产生 C. 可进入细胞 D. 由T淋巴细胞产生 E. 属于白蛋白 [单选题]下面列出的四种存储器中,易失性存储器是( )。
A.RAM B.ROM C.PROM D.CD—ROM [单项选择]下列教学设计程序①教学目标设计②教学媒体设计③教学策略设计④教学内容选择,正确的是()。
A. ①②③④ B. ①③②④ C. ④①③② D. ①④③② [名词解释]恩格尔定律
[单选题]单位时间内流体流过( )的流体质量叫做质量流速。
A.单位截面积 B.孔板 C.流量计 [名词解释]深层过滤的对数穿透定律
[单选题]路基填土压实,应严格控制土壤的压实含水量在最佳含水量的±( )%以内。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]同一天内,在一条或几条配电线路的变压器台上进行同类型的作业,可使用一张( )。
A.《配电第一种工作票》; B.《配电变压器台、台区工作票》; C.《配电带电作业工作票》; D.《配电第二种工作票》 [填空题]十九世纪美国批判现实主义文学的代表作家是(),他的著名长篇小说有()和()等,他的短篇代表作()是对资产阶级所谓“民主”的一幅绝妙的讽刺画。
[多选题]升船机承船厢不平度或水位偏差超过设计规定值、( )故障时,禁止进行承船厢升降操作。
A.主拖动 B.制动系统 C.照明 D.表计 [单项选择]妇女怀孕后应及时去医院体检,孕期体检至少()。
A. 3次 B. 5次 C. 7次 [单选题] 脚手架作业层上非主节点处的横向水平干设置应满足要求( )
A.宜等间距设置,间距不大于纵距的1/3 B.宜等间距设置,间距不大于纵距的1/2 C.宜等间距设置,间距不大于纵距的750 mm D.宜等间距设置,间距不大于纵距的1000 mm [多项选择]持境外机动车驾驶证的外国驻华使馆﹑领馆人员及国际组织驻华代表机构人员申请机动车驾驶证,应当提交的证明﹑凭证包括()。
A. 申请人的身份证明 B. 县级以上医疗机构出具的有关身体条件的证明 C. 外交部门的证明 D. 所持机动车驾驶证。属于非中文表述的,还应当出具中文翻译文本 我来回答: 提交