Most people have experienced the
feeling, after a taxing mental work-out, that they cannot be bothered to make
any more decisions. If they are forced to, they may do so intuitively, rather
than by reasoning. Such apathy is of ten put down to tiredness; but a study
published recently in Psychological Science suggests there may be more to it
than that. Whether reason or intuition is used may depend simply on the
decision-maker’s blood-sugar level—which is, itself, affected by the process of
reasoning. E.J. Masicampo and Roy Baumeister of Florida State University discovered this by doing some experiments on that most popular of laboratory animals, the impoverished undergraduate. They asked 121 psychology students who had volunteered for the experiment to watch a silent video of a woman being interviewed t A. People’s blood-sugar level is affected by the process of reasoning. B. Whether people resort to reasoning or intuition may depend on their blood-sugar level. C. Both reasoning and intuition are certainly affected by people’s blood-sugar level. D. It is not wise to make important decisions when one is hungry. [单项选择]竣工验收通常分为两个阶段
A. 建筑施工验收和设备安装验收 B. 主体工程验收和卫生防护设施验收 C. 各单位分头审核和会议集中审核 D. 土建验收和工程竣工验收 E. 基础施工验收和设备安装验收 [填空题]司机在调车作业中应时刻注意确认信号,不间断地进行瞭望,认真执行呼唤应答制,正确及时地执行信号显示(作业指令)和( )的要求,没有信号(指令)不准动车,信号(指令)不清立即停车
男性,45岁,右下腹隐痛4个月,近2个月来乏力、消瘦,常有低热,查体:结膜苍白,右侧腹部5cm×3cm肿块。化验:血红蛋白95g/L。 若检查诊断为升结肠癌,最佳手术方式是()A. 升结肠切除术 B. 右半结肠切除术 C. 全结肠切除术 D. 升结肠及部分横结肠切除术 E. 升结肠及末段回肠切除术 [多选题] 母线保护主要功能包括( );母差保护原理均为比率制动,方式变化自适应。
A.断路器失灵保护 B.母线差动保护 C.零序方向过流保护 D.母线充电保护 [单选题]下列关于Thread 类的线程控制方法的说法中错误的一项是
A.线程可以通过执行sleep()方法可以释放CPU执行权 B.线程可以通过执行yield()方法可以让出CPU执行权,重新与其他线程竞争 C.线程sleep()方法执行结束后,该线程进入运行状态 D.若没有任何线程处于可运行状态,线程执行yield方法时,当前线程将继续执行 [单选题]直流充电枪直流充电时时, 供电接口和车辆接口应具有锁止功能,锁止功能符合( )相关要求。
A.GB/T 20234.1-2015 B.GB/T 20234.2-2015 C.GB/T 20234.3-2015 D.GB/T 20234.4-2015 [简答题]
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